Chapter 16

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 Chapter 16

Rydel’s POV

~2 hours Later~

We had to take Victoria to the Hospital because she broke her rib and when she turned around to face Ross it hurt like heck. She went into surgery a hour ago and they think she is gonna be ok. Ellington was rocking back and forth I could tell he was nervous. What is he gonna say to her.

It was getting kinda annoying to be waiting here with no news. I called RIker, Rocky, Ariana, Selena, Laura, Kelly, Maia, Vanessa and Ryland to come but they were all at a baseball game and they said they would be a while. I looked over at Ross and he was pacing back and forth and back and forth. It was starting to get annoying.

“Ross.” I said with a little annoyance in my voice.

“What?” He asked also sounding a bit annoyed

“You are pacing like a crazy man. They told us she will be fine now quit it.” I said

“No they said she MIGHT be fine. Might not will.” He said a bit concerned.

“Ok Ross just sit down please.” I said


“Would you guys please be quiet?” Ellington said a bit annoyed

“Sweetie she is gonna be fine.” I said

“Sorry Rydel but I just can’t believe I couldn’t tell she broke her ribs.”

“Ellington I can’t believe the Doctor’s didn’t know I don’t think that it was your fault. I mean they should have known. Right Ross?” I said

“Right!” Ross said

“Fine. Just keep it down ok!” Ell said

“OK!” I said

We were all just sitting there waiting for news I was starting to get worried it had been a Hour and a half and Riker and the rest aren’t here. I decided to call Ariana.

~Phone CONVO~

Ariana: Hello?

Rydel: Ari it’s Rydel. When will you guys be here?

Ariana: Hey Delly! How are you?

Rydel: Like a piece of pie. When are you gonna get here?

Ariana: What do you mean?


Ariana: Why would we come to the hospital?

Rydel:Because Victoria got hit by a car and she broke her ribs. Didn’t Riker tell you?

Ariana: NO!!!! IS SHE OK?!?!

Rydel: Yes. Give the phone to Riker.

Ariana: OK

Riker: Hey Sis.

Rydel: You didn’t tell Ariana?

Riker: No because I thought if we took her there and she saw her for herself and she didn’t worry while she was here than it would be better. Thanks for ruining my plan.

Rydel: Riker she needed to know now where are you?

Riker: Sorry we are still at the game.

Rydel: Riker you need to leave early. Please we need you here.

Riker: Fine we will leave now. Here is Ariana.

Ariana: We are coming tell Tori.

Rydel: Tori is in surgery. Just come here and when you get here I am sure she will be awake. Don’t worry this isn’t as bad as my accident I promise.

Ariana: OK be there soon.

Rydel: Ok Bye.

~End of Phone CONVO~

I hung up and looked at Ross who was staring at me wide eyed.

“What in the world?” I said

“Are they coming?” Ross asked

“Yes.” I said

“How did I not see this?” Ellington said

“See what?” I said

“That he is extremely tired!” Ross said

“NO not that. Victoria said when you got in your crash that should have been her ad she has still been saying that ever since. She texts me that all the time. What if she got her self in a car crash?” Ellington said

“OMG This is my fault!”

A/N Sorry I haven't Updated in a while I will soon I promise!!!!!

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