Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ellington’s POV

“I said I don’t…...Rydel?” I said

“Hey Ell… I know we haven’t spoke but I think it’s time we did.” She said tear stains on her face

“I don’t. I hurt you and you hurt me sorry.” I said as seriously as possible.

“Look I know that we broke up but..” She started saying

“No Rydel I don’t want to talk! Got it now get lost!” I yelled at her.

“Ok sorry!” She said and ran away crying.

WE had only been together for like 1 day and It was the best day of my life. I watched her get in Ross’s car and Ross hug her and she was crying. I closed all the windows to make it look like I wasn’t home which clearly wasn’t working. I lived alone in a two bedroom house and I felt so alone all the time I was here. I have thought about getting a roommate but who? I was sitting there looking at a picture of Rydel and I. I had picked her up bridal style at the beach so I could through her in the water she hung on to me so tight her arms around my neck. She was in a pink hello kitty bikini and I was in my pink swim trunks and she was laughing in the picture and I was too.

I smiled at the picture and started crying. I heard a knock at the door and then a key trying to open it I ran to the door and opened it.

“WHAT?!” I screamed.

“AHH!!” Victoria screamed. I grabbed her and tugged her in the house.

“What the heck are you doing here?” I asked

“Sorry look I know I came here already today but this time I brought Cupcakes!” She said smiling. I wasn’t in the smiling mood.

“Oh. Well come sit down then.” I said and pointed to my pile of blankets and pillows on the couch. She stared at them and started crying.

“Look Ell I am so sorry!” She said burying her head in her hands

“Victoria stop!” I said and hugged her.

“It’s all my fault!”

“Shhh. No it’s not!” I said feeling horrible

She started crying into my chest and I put my head on hers. She just kept crying. I took her over to the couch and sat her next to me. She turned to me and looked at me straight in the eyes and said something I thought she never would.

“Ell, You need to forget about me. I think it’s time I take the offer I told you about a month ago. Right now that offer looks great. I can get out of you and Rydel’s way. I can’t be your problem. You NEED to stop loving me. Cause I stopped loving you.” She said with total honesty.

“Victoria, I can’t just forget about you. i’m sorry but I will never stop loving you!” i said

“You have to Ellington for me and for Rydel.” She said got up and walked away.

“Victoria Please!!!!!!” I yelled following her out the door.

“ELlington you are making this harder than it needs to be!” she said

“I love you!” I said and kissed her.

she jumped in her car and drove away.

~Text CONVO~

Ellington: I love you!

Victoria: I don’t

~End of Text CONVO~


A/N: What will Ellington do!!!! He needs to fix this!!!!!!!

My World (A Rydellington Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora