Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ellington's POV

~1 Week Later~

We have been fake dating for 2 weeks and it's getting hard. After breaking up with her when we were actually dating. I realized that I actually love Rydel and I have to do something about it. But what about us being engaged and if we say that we were faking Rydel would be mad a me. I am so messed up.

"Ellington?" Said Tori

"In here!" She walked into my house and sat on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"She said

"We have to do something about this." I said

"What are we gonna do? Are we gonna go and and say we are fake engaged so that you would get off our backs?"

"Ell I know it seems hard. But I know that if they love us enough then they will understand."

"I can't I lied to Rydel's face."

"Is this about Rydel?"


"Ellington you like her. I am so happy for you!"

"Really? I thought that you would be sad?"

"It's ok I moved on. I like Ross!"

"good." And I hugged her. We hugged for about 2 minutes. After we hugged I stared into her eyes.

"I think I should go."

"Yeah totally."


"Bye." she walked out of the house.

Ross's POV

What have I done I loved her and I tried to get her with someone else. Why are they engaged that is way to soon. After everything!

"Rydel? Do you like Ellington?"

"Of course I do!"

"Why did we do this?"

"Because we love them!" She hugged me and I started to cry!

A/N: I lovewriting for you guys!! This is kinda just a filler. So enjoy I will update more soon! Comment and Vote!! i want to hear what you guys think Thanks!!!!

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