40.Pick one

537 36 3

I woke up in the morning with this huge headache non explainable. I was naked in a hotel room on a bed. I didn't know where everyone was or where I was. I looked around the room and saw no one. I was relived that I didn't end up having sex with a stranger. I checked the time and it was 9:37 am. My wedding Is at 1:05 pm and its 3 hours of flight back home. Shit!! I didn't have enough time to get ready as a bride and al that shit. I saw my phone and 18 miss calls from my mom and 8 from drake. Messages after messages. I panicked. Quickly looking for something to wear and get back to my hotel.

Shit!! Shit!! " I said to my self as I looked in the room for something to wear. Just when I was bout to go to the bathroom and clean my face up I see meek sleeping next to the toilet , in his boxers. Vomit everywhere.

Ahhh!! WTFF!!? Meek!! Meek.. Get up " I slightly punched him. He could barely look alive. I took some cold water poured it on him.

AHH !! FUCKK!! What's wrong with you ?! " he said getting up.

WHAT?!? What do u mean what's wrong with me ?! I'm getting married in less than 12 hours and I'm here in a hotel room naked with you ?!?

Calm down Nic , and stop yellin ffs*

IM GETTIN MARRIED IN LESS THAN 12 hours!! DONT ASK ME TO STOP YELLIN !! WHY AM I YELLIN!! AAAHHH " I started packaging not knowing  what to do. I started crying and he just held me close to him. I cried on his chest.

Idk what to do. What have I done?!

You didn't do anything wrong Nic , your going to go to ur hotel and get ready and go and get married." He said calming me down. I nodded then cleared my eyes.

Here. I'll drop you off" I nodded and he walked to one of his drawers then got me a big T-shirt and I wore it. We walked to the living room finding Rika and Tak on each other. Titi and some random dude. Candi and yesterdays bartender. Thembi and a male stripper we met yesterday at the bar. I ran and woke the girls up. All of them barely could stand on their feets.

Hello people I'm getting married today!!!! GET YALL SHIT TOGETHER. " I yelled and they all gringed.

You can stop yellin tho" Titi said going back to sleep...

Noo!! Noo you can't go back to sleep. Get up!! We have a flight to catch ASAP!!! Rika!!! Stop being all over this nigha and come on. Let's GO PPL!!! " I dragged them out with me. The plane was leavin in 7 minutes and we could never make it there on time. So meek suggested he'd drop us off with his private jet.

Why is there a ring on ur hand ?! " I asked Rika when we were all settled on our way back. She was across me when I saw it. She looked at me then her hand. Then at me then at Tak. She knew she fucked up. I bursted out so did the other girls. Now everyone else was checkin they own.

Somebody got married before me. " I said teasing her. She frowned.

Cheers!! To the newly married couple!!! " Candi said and we all cheered EXECPT them!! We all laughed . Nobody knew actually remembered how last night ended or how those two got married . We just know that some of us got married some didn't. Some are on their way too and some aren't really happy about it. Meek sat on the couch a bit far from us . Lookin out the window. I noticed him and walked to him.

You good ?! " I asked  sitting next to him. He nodded sipping on his Hennessy.

I'm straight! " he said sipping again. Not paying attention to me.

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