Chapter 3 - The Argument

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*Libby's POV*

I can't believe what I've just found out!

As if that dirty little skank has been cheating with my boyfriend. I mean I let her stay at my apartment when her parents died and she had nowhere to live yet she has the nerve to throw it all back in my face and tries to take my boyfriend away from me!

Ugghhh right now I'm regretting everything I've ever done for her. She is so ungrateful and I swear as soon as I see her well, I don't know if I'll be able to control my words or actions.

*Brittani's POV*

"I waaannnt to go hoooommmee!!" Rosie wailed for the fifth time in ten minutes.

"Ugghh, fine" I reluctantly agreed even though I was ready to go home too. The reason for this was that my hands and feet were completely numb (it was freezing!) and I was quite happy to comply. We swiftly made our way home avoiding the numerous clown masks that we encountered but not once did I see the clown that was there before, he had seemed to vanish into thin air. I still had the image of his eyes in my head, with just one glance you could tell those eyes held a thousand secrets.

Before I knew it we were back at the familiar apartment that was like my home but I still couldn't get used to calling that. As soon as we entered warm air hit my skin and sent goose bumps all over my body. The door slammed shut and as soon as it did I heard a loud stomping enter the living room. There she was the one and only Libby Jackson, the girl I called my best friend. We have been through thick and thin and if it wasn't for her then I would be living in god knows where now. I look up at her and see something unusual, she's angry. She hardly ever gets angry and when she does it's something really serious. I start getting nervous and try to think back if I've done anything to anger her......

Maybe I've used all the milk. Ummmm.... No I don't think so. But she stops me thinking when she glare at me and quietly says "can I speak to you in kitchen". "Umm sure" I say and hesitantly follow her, not knowing what to expect. "If this is about the milk..." I start but she stops me with a glare. "No it's not about the milk it's about my boyfriend and how him and you have such a good relationship" My heart stopped and I didn't know what to say. "Listen Lib" I say "Don't even waste your breath, I want you and your stuff out of my house!!"

"But.. But... I have nowhere to go" I stuttered not being able to get the right words out of my mouth. "Do I look like I care, anyway your auntie lives just out of town go there, just get away from me and my boyfriend!" she screamed making me feel uncomfortable. " that's like a mile walk and it's 8 at night" I whimpered my voice getting smaller as we talked. "Look I'll play you the worlds smallest violin" she stated harshly while glaring at me, and with that I stormed out threw my clothes and the rest of my things in a bag and stormed out of the house slamming the door behind me!


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