Chapter 19: Girl's Night Out

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"Well, well, looks like we managed to catch you two after all." Scarlet says walking around Jeff and Eyeless Jack, who sit back to back, and tied up. They don't say anything, and sit in the center while, Harlie, Gluttony, Scarlet, Blood, and Broken, watch over them. They worked together in order to capture them. Now they sit there in a bored position.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but is there a reason we're tied up like this?" Jeff questions in a bored tone. 

"Isn't it obvious?" Blood questions with a glare. Harlie made sure to take away Blood's knife and to keep her restrained. She can't have Blood killing Jeff and ruining their questioning. 

"We won't tell you anything about her." Eyeless Jack says with a sigh in his voice.

"Oh, you're going to answer us." Harlie says to them ominously. 

"He's serious. We can't talk." Jeff says just as bored as before. 

"What do you mean?" Harlie asks him with a frown forming on her face. 

"Alice is a step ahead. She knew you five would try to capture one of us. She used an interesting form of demon magic to slice off our tongues if we spoke or if you forced us to speak, and if there is mind reading our brains would instantly fall into a state of amnesia." Eyeless Jack explains with a simple shrug.

"Damn it! Let me go and I'll beat the answers out of that psycho bitch!" Blood yells out as her body starts to static as much as her voice. 

"Alice, likes to keep her secrets. She's not afraid of you Blood. She's not afraid of anything. At least, not that we know of. Do we?" Broken questions Harlie, who shakes her head.

"You're right. Even Alice must fear something. . .or. . .someone." She says trying to form a plan to figure that out. 

"No one or anything." Jeff and Eyeless Jack say to them. Harlie suddenly gets the feeling that they don't know everything about her either. There's no way that Alice would actually trust anyone, not even her allies.

"Can we go now? You're obviously not going to get anything from us." Jeff says to them. Harlie glares at him, and motions for Gluttony to release them. She does so, and looks at Eyeless Jack, who rises, and directs his abysmal gaze towards her.

 "Why are you obeying her?" Gluttony questions him, her expression showing hurt for once. Eyeless Jack doesn't say anything, and stares. Gluttony's eyes flash in anger, and she raises her obsidian claw. "ANSWER ME!" She screams out at him.

Eyeless Jack slightly lifts his blue mask above his mouth, and shows her a razor sharp grin. "Paradise is coming." Black tar rolls out of his mouth before he lowers his mask again, and heads off with Jeff, who makes a kissing noise at Harlie.

She blushes, and turns away. "He's gone. Now can you let me the fuck go?" Blood questions as she tries to get past the fire wall on the computer. Harlie sighs, and removes it. 

"We're heading out." Harlie says to them all. 

"What? Out? For what?" The girls question.

"We're obviously not going to find our answers here. We need to look for our answers outside of Creepypasta Academy." Harlie says to them, and pulls out a map of the town outside of Creepypasta Academy. The girls look at it as Harlie points to the library at the center of the town. Ten miles away from the academy if they walk. The girls nod their heads, and Harlie wraps up the map.

"Alright, lets avoid the cameras of the academy and get out of here." Harlie looks around. Blood smirks and puts her hands out, her fingertips start to light up with purple lightning and she zaps the cameras that have the view of the back area of the academy. 

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