Chapter nine

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Andy's second birthday (May)

"Happy birthday princess," I knelt down to her hight giving her a hug. She giggled. "So Shawn," Summer walked over to me as Easton and Andy ran away. "I'd like to introduce you to my friend." She smiled waving someone over. "This is Krista." She smiled. "Hello Krista nice to meet you," I smiled extending my hand. "She's really nice and super funny and she's completely single," Summer wiggled her eyebrows. "Thanks for trying but I'm not ready to date yet." I sighed. "It was nice meeting you," I walked into the kitchen where the others sat. Everyone was still upset about loosing her but no one was as bad as me. I sat next to Cameron. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," I smiled back. "We're gonna go out tonight wanna come?" He smiled sympathetically. "Nah. I'm good." I sook my head. "Thanks though," I watched Easton run around. "You've gotta get out of the house at some point." He seemed so sympathetic. "I'm out of the house right now." I contemplated. "Shawn," he said sternly. "I can't. I have to watch Easton," I shrugged. "Won't your parents do it. Or what about Maddy's mom I know she'd love to watch him. The only thing she has left of her daughter." He sighed. "He's the only thing I have left too. And he visits his grandparents all the time." I sighed looking down at him. He fell on the ground. "Sh baby it's ok I've got you." I lifted him off of the ground holding him against my shoulder. "Your ok," I bounced. "Your ok," I held him tightly against him. There was a slight knock at the door. "I've got it," cam yelled. "Good your all here," a couple police officers walked through. "Summer," I called. "Coming," she ran inside holding Andy on her hip. "What's up-" she drew out the last word while looking at the officers. "We have some news," one of the officers broke the silence. "Good or bad?" I cocked my head to the side. "It's kinda both," he shrugged. "After out interrogation he said he left her in a cabin in the woods somewhere," one officer smiled. "The thing is, we have no idea where that cabin is and he and his friends have her chained up," he sighed. "Sh-she's alive?" I chocked. "Yeah but not if we don't act fast. We found her dad. That's it. He still has three other people abusing that girl." I held Easton against my chest. "Any ideas where this cabin might be?" The officer asked. "Summer?" We all turned to her. "There's this dark creepy place that has only one way in and out. She's afraid of it. On the weekends her dad used to say they were gonna go on bonding trips and he's take her there because there was no one else to stop him," she explained. "Shit. No we have to go now." She shook her head as if something had clicked. "Cameron. I'm gonna give you Easton to watch until I get back. If anything happens to this child I will kill you in your sleep," I warned. "Bye baby." I smiled at him before running out after summer. "Get the fuck in," she growled. I didn't argue I just got into her car. "What's wrong with that place?" I questioned. She sped towards it with police cars surrounding her and their sirens going off. "She hasn't shown you the scars." She shook her head. "What scar?" I asked a little too quickly. "I've seen all of her how have I not seen the scar." I sounded very desperate. "She got attacked by a bear." Summer bit her lip. "It was the day I followed her and her dad out here." She pulled onto a dirt pathway. "Her dad locks her out. Every night. And one night they locked her out and they know there are bears around they just don't care. So she got attacked. One scratched down her back with it's claws." She took a deep breath. "And I watched it all happen. After that I brought her to the hospital and for about a month she couldn't look at a car," she let out a deep sigh stopping at the cabin. "Wait here," the police walked in. I listened to the sound of gunshots. Constantly worrying if Maddy was ok. "That's it. I'm going in," I opened the door. The sound of Maddy's scream filled my ears. My poor baby. I thought. I watched her petit figure run our of the cabin. A look of worry washed over her face. "Princess," I bit down on my bottom lip. A large man came out and hit her to the ground. "I'm not done yet," he growled. "Leave her the fuck alone," I walked towards him. "Or what short stuff?" He pushed my head back. I pushed him as well making him stumble back. He kicked Maddy's limp body to the side. "I said leave her alone." I found my fist balled. "What could you possibly do to me?" He teased. Soon enough my fist buried itself in his cheek. And my foot was kicking him away. "Don't ever touch her again." He lay in pain on the ground. "Get her out of here," a cop growled. I nodded my head picking her off of the ground and carrying her to the car. I set her in the back and got in next to her. "We have to get her to a hospital," I lifted the sweatshirt over her head. It had gone from white to red stained with blood. I looked at all of the open wounds on her body and slight claw marks on her soft skin. Her mouth hung slightly agape while her unsteady breathing and irregular heartbeat made me nervous. "Hold on," I squeezed her hand. Her legs lay limp across the seat while I brought her head to lay on my body. "I love you baby girl," I planted a gentile kiss against her once soft skin. "You'll be alright." I ran my hands through her once full thick brown hair which was now thin and short. "We're here," she turned off the car. I held her injured body in my arms trying my best not to hurt her anymore. "Another visit?" She sighed looking at Maddy. "Madeline Mendes." She spoke through a radio. "No where near room 132." She finished. "You'll be ok," I gently kissed her forehead. They took her from my arms placing her onto a surgical bed. "You'll be the first into her room," she whispered to me. "Thank you," I sat on the chair texting cam to bring east and the others. I sat impatiently fiddling with my ring waiting for something to happen. Cam walked in holding Easton in his arms. "Daddy," he smiled. "Hello baby," I picked him up. "Ok so we have some news," Summer took Easton from my hands as she requested to speek to me privately. "She's pregnant," the nurse almost questioned. "And it's not mine," I bit my lip. "The baby is either her fathers or one of his friends." She sighed. "You two can decide weather you want to keep the baby or have an abortion or put it up for adoption. She's in room 312 on the second floor," I thanked her before rushing towards the elevator wanting to get to her floor quickly. Once it stopped I walked into her room slowly. "Princess," I gently knocked on her door. "Shawn?" She asked trying to see me. "Yeah princess it's me." I pushed the door wider walking into the room. "I've missed you so much," she slowly walked towards me. "You shouldn't be walking baby," I helped her onto her bed sitting behind her. "I'm supposed to try and walk a little." Her voice was quiet. "I never thought I would see you again," her head rested on my chest. "I almost killed myself," she sighed laying back against me. "Well I'm glad you didn't," I kissed her cheek. "I missed this." She sighed. "Every cold and lonely night." She turned. "Have they told you yet?" She sighed. "They did," I nodded. "Maddy. I know your probably gonna hate me for this but I think you should keep it." I put my head against her shoulder. "But Shawn." Her head buried further into my chest. "Ok. We can keep it. But never will my father know," she turned and pushed her lips against mine. "I love you so much," I pulled away. "I love you too," she put her head on my shoulder. "Are you alright baby?" I looked at the marks on her neck. "No," she shook her head shuddering. "What happened?" My lips gently attached the reddish purple skin of her neck. "I was used as their sex doll. And when they didn't use me they put me out as bait for the bears." A shiver ran threw her body. "I'm sorry baby," I kissed her cheek again. "You didn't have to tell me," I ran my hands gently up and down her arms. "But I trust you," her body relaxed slightly under my touch. "I've missed you," I wrapped my arms gently around her waist. "I missed you too," I felt her tears fall onto my arms. "Baby don't cry." I rubbed her back with one hand using the other to wipe her tears. She turned to face me. "I tried Shawn. I really did." She chocked. "It's ok baby girl. I believe you," I held her against me. "I'm sorry to interrupt." Nash' quiet voice broke the silence. "East wanted to see mama," he weekly smiled. "Bring him here," he walked over. Handing me Easton. "Mamas up there," he pointed up as if trying to tell me she was dead and I would never get her back. "We can still wov her," his small hands wrapped around my neck. "No baby mamas right there," I turned him. "Hi," she wiped her eyes. He looked at her confused and then back to me for guidance. "Mamas tattoo," he had an aha moment. He gripped her arm looking at the tattoo and then he grabbed mine putting them next to each other. "Mama," he gasped wrapping his arms around her. "I missed you baby," she smiled. "Mama. What happened to your neck?" He had learned a lot of words since we last saw Maddy. "You can talk now," tears fell from her eyes. "Mama don't cry." His small hands wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry I've been gone so long," she coughed. "It's ok," Easton smiled hugging her. "Grandpa wants to say hi," he slid off of the bed walking towards Nash. "Bye bye," he waved leading Nash out. "My baby's growing up so fast," she pouted. "Did you hear him call me stupid in the beginning." I scoffed. "It's ok." She chuckled hugging me. "No daddy mamas up there but we can still love her," i mocked. "That kid is to smart for me," i shook his head. Jack soon came running through the door. "Your moving back in with me," he held her tightly. "But Jack-" she started only to get cut off. "I'm kidding. But I will keep closer tabs on you. Starting today," he smiled. "I'm glad your alright." He gave her a brief squeeze. "Oh I'm sorry for intruding. But mr. And mrs. Mendes have you made the decision?" She smiled from the door. "We're gonna keep it." Maddy smiled at her. "Alright then," she walked off. "Keep what?" Jack chocked. "Maddy's pregnant," I placed my hand on her stomach. "But m-my dad. A-and h-his friend." She burst into tears. "It's alright love." I kissed her nose. "They raped her. So this child won't be blood related to me but I'm gonna help Maddy raise it and I'm gonna love it like my own." I tried reassuring Maddy while talking to Jack. "Ok?" I turned to Maddy. "I love you," she held her head in my chest. "I'm gonna let Sammy up because as usual I beat him up here. Although Summer might come. I really don't know. It's kind of a battle," he shrugged. "I feel all important now," she turned red. "You are important though. You always have been and you always will be," my lips touched hers. And even though it was the second time today it felt like the first time we kissed. How magical it felt when her lips touched mine and the electricity  that surged threw my body no longer felt like sparks but firework shows going off in the pit of my stomach. and as we slowly pulled away her cheeks a rosy pink colour while she smiled trying to hide it. The taste of sugar her lips always left on mine still there yet somehow stronger then before. "Make out with Shawn later." Summer whined walking over. "Thank god your alright," she squeezed Maddy's injured body. "I swear the only thing keeping Shawn alive was Easton. He was so depressed all of the time. And at the funeral we had for you thinking you were dead." She listed. "He couldn't even give his speech. He was crying so hard. And when we told him you were gone. Jesus. I'm happy he was laying in a hospital bed." She breathed. "Shut up. I was hurting," I snuggled my head into her neck. "I missed you," I hugged her. "Wheres Andy." She beamed. "That little monster turns two today." She teased Summer. "She's hanging out downstairs confused with JJ." She chuckled. "Send him up. I wanna see the little princess," Maddy smiled. "Alright." She smiled. "But it might take me a while. They all really want to come up," she smiled. "Ok," We both chuckled. "I've missed that sound," she buried her head in my chest. "I've missed you," I intertwined our fingers. "You wore the bracelet?" My eyes welled with tears. "How else do you think I survived." She smiled at the silver jewelry around her wrist. "Did you get a new tattoo," she looked at the small cursive letters. "Yeah," I smiled watching her jaw drop while she hit me in the chest. "Thanks," I rolled my eyes. "Why would you get that done," she gasped. "Because I truly love you." I lifted her head so her gaze fixed on me. "More then words can express," my lips gently pressed themselves against hers. Her lips danced against mine. My tongue swept itself across her bottom lip as I begged her for the entrance I've longed for, for months. She reluctantly opened her mouth. "What's wrong baby?" I pulled back. "Do you not wanna take it that far?" I ran my hand threw her hair. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to anyone asking me," she smiled weekly. "They all just forced my mouth open and I just," she took two deep breaths. "I'm sorry Shawn. I trust you I really do I just. Need some more time to get used to it all again, I'm sorry." She looked down. "It's ok. We'll take baby steps," I smiled at her. "Just like with your anorexia," I lifted her head. "Speaking of did they give you food?" I held her face in my hands. "No." She sighed. "Ill feed you when I bring you home. And maybe Easton will too." I chuckled. "You never know," I shrugged. "Has he started eating solid foods yet?" She bit her lip. "Yeah," I nodded. "I've missed so much." She sighed. "But your here now. Maddy I thought you were dead." I squeezed her hands. "Do you know how hard it is to explain to a one year old that his mother died?" I chuckled a bit making her smile. "I told him you were on a permanent vacation in the sky. And he cried for an hour. The first day you were missing I was in the hospital and Summer was signing to papers to become Easton's legal guardian because they thought I was gonna die." I gently kissed her nose. "And I pretty much did after I heard you were gone," I sighed. "I spent months telling everyone that I couldn't go out. That I wouldn't go out because I had to watch Easton. Half the time I was watching Easton," I made air quotations. "I was actually sitting in our room crying because I wasn't stable enough to look him in the eyes without crying. And I completely forgot the point of this story," I laughed. "I love you too baby," she cupped my face in her hands kissing my lips while trying to force my tongue out. "Are you sure?" I mumbled onto her lips. "I'm sure," she nodded. I slipped my tongue through my lips the fireworks I felt turned into flames. Just fires burning while we kissed. As if a bomb had exploded. The energy I felt, the hunger I felt for her lips to be against mine finally silenced. It was amazing. Her tongue dance with mine while my lips worked with hers. She shuddered slightly as did I. The feeling one I had missed so much. A feeling I could never get back from anyone else. Slowly I pulled back. There was a small giggle from the other side of the room. "Hi princess," I held my arms out as she ran over. JJ watched from the door. "Ok princess this is my other princess. Your aunt maddy," I turned her fixing the tutu on her dress. "Happy birthday," I smiled. "You got bigger since the last time I saw you," Maddy smiled. "Do you like uncle Shawn?" She questioned watching her tight grip on my fingers. "Uncle shawny," she smiled turning a light shade of pink. "Ok. That's enough hands off my baby Mendes," JJ walked towards me taking the little girl from my embrace. "Why do I feel like that's a sentence I'm gonna have to use more often?" He glared at me. "Easton?" I shrugged. "Shut up," he rolled his eyes. "So." He smiled. "Jack tells us you two are gonna have a baby," he bit his lip to hide the excitement. "Yeah." She leaned forewords pecking my lips. "He also told us some other stuff about the child," JJ looked worried. "Are you ok?" He looked at me. "Somewhat. I mean it's happened before but of corse I've never gotten a baby from it before," she sighed. "It's happened before," I chocked. "Ok bye bye JJ. Tell the others visiting is closed. You have some explaining to do," I looked down at her. "Send Sammy and Nate up and then we'll see how it goes from there." She smiled at him. "Alright," he chuckled walking out. "Baby girl. How come you never told me it happened to you." I softly ran my hand over her cheek. "I didn't think it was worth mentioning." She sighed. "And Summer tells me you got attacked by a bear in that cabin?" I whined slightly. I watched her facial expression completely change and she brought her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to-" Sammy's voice cut me off. "Baby. What happened," Sammy and Nate walked over holding her in their arms. "The memories are-" she shook her head. "It hurts," She sighed. They talked for only a short amount of time before she told them she needed rest and that she would see them tomorrow. I told them to send Easton home with my one of our parents. "Wanna see the scar?" Her head leaned against me while I laid back on the bed. "You don't have to," I shrugged. "I never meant to make it sound rude or anything. I'm just concerned. I'm sorry," I sighed. "You aren't the reason I was crying," she shook her head. "Do you wanna see the scar?" She asked calmly one more time. "Sure," I breathed knowing she wouldn't leave me alone if I said no. "I wear makeup on it when I'm around you guys. Summer and Jack are the only ones that knew," she lifted the hospital gown showing me the large marks she had engraved on her back. "Baby I'm so sorry," I planted a gentile kiss on her lips. "It's not your fault," she yawned. "Try and sleep baby. Please," I begged. "Alright. But only if you hold me the whole night," she stuck her pinky out. "I will. I promise," I connected our pinkies. "Goodnight Shawn. I love you," she yawned again closing her eyes. "I love you too princess. Sweet dreams," I kissed her head as we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

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