Capter One Hundred and Three

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The loud footsteps of our boys are the only things audible as we wake them for school. Minus their whines and groans. "Maddy," Shawn calls as I slip on a button down, something I've gotten used to wearing.

"Yes dear," I skip down some stairs until I arrive where he is.

"You look beautiful today," he smiles. Every time he says that to me I feel like he's lying, my butt is like non existent I have stretch marks all over I still have the baby weight from the girls but yet still somehow he manages to see beauty.

"You look gorgeous as well," I kiss his cheek.

"But darling," he gives me a gentile hug.

"You've gotta go?" I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him back. I've gotten familiar with this routine. He'd start by telling me how pretty I am, or how wonderful my cooking is and then he'd pop the news.

"I have to go," he sighs squeezing me.

"Where this time?" I lean my head on his shoulder moving my arms to around his torso.

"Please don't hate me," he pleads as I simply nod. "Tokyo," he swallows.

"But Shawn," I whine.

"I know baby," he kisses my cheek. "It'll be over before you know it." He nods.

"Boys stop eavesdropping," I say sternly as they all walk down the stairs standing in a line. "Shawn," I turn and face my four boys.

"Tokyo," I'm sure the boys already knew what was happening.

"For how long," Evan questions.

"Well," he trails on.

"It's the start of a tour?" We all sigh.

"The start of a tour," he nods. "It's three months long," he pouts.

"Are you coming home every two weeks?" Masson looks hopeful at his fathers normal routine. He never left for more than two weeks at a time because he doesn't want me alone with the kids too long. He lets me go bending down to Masson's level.

"Not this time bud," he shakes his head at the nine year old boy.

"Oh," the hopeful look washes off of his face. "I have to go finish getting ready," he runs up the stairs. He is such a daddy's boy it's unreal, every time Shawn leaves he counts the days the hours the minutes and sometimes even the seconds before he gets home.

"Masson," he sighs walking up the stairs after him.

"We'll help you mom," the twins come up to me engulfing me in a hug.

"And I'll help too," Easton winks.

"Thank you," I giggle. "But I do it already, I think if I can raise two babies alone I'll be fine now," I kiss their heads. "But if I ever need help I know where I can go," I smile.

"I could help too," Nicki uses a quiet sheepish voice. "It's the least I could do for you after what you've done to me."

"Thank you Nicki," I smile. "I'm sure you're a better cook then theses guys," I tease and she laughs.

"Tell me about it, I've seen Easton burn toast," she laughs.

"It's something Shawn would do," I smile as he walks down.

"What would I do?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Give me crappy genes so I get made fun of all of the time." Easton crosses his arms.

"You'd burn toast." I giggle.

"Shut up," he huffs.

"Come here," I wave her over. She seems quite nervous at first and then the boys pull her into the hug taking her by surprise but making her smile. "Alright go get ready for school," I send them off with a smile.

"We need to gain custody over Nicki," Shawn laces or fingers together.

"We do," I nod leaning back letting him hold me up. "She has a life that seems to be just like mine was," I whisper in his ear. "Maybe Easton can be her superman," I kiss his jaw.

"I was your superman?" He giggles.

"You were everything to me and I loved you so much. You rescued me therefore you became my superman," I start making lunches and breakfast, for each of the kids.

"Masson," I hand him the plate of waffles.

"Evan, Owen," I hand them both bowls of cereal.

"Easton," I hand him his plate with eggs.

"And Nicki," I smile handing her the same as Easton. I then throw each of their lunches into their bags and smile. Our routine morning.

"Come on boys," Shawn leads them to the door while they quickly grab all of their things.

"Masson," I almost scold picking up a doctors note and his inhaler. We recently found out about his asthma and PE class is gonna be a lot harder on him so the doctors recommended no more than ten minutes at a time until his body can adjust to it.

"Thank mom," he wraps his arms around me I lean down a little and kiss his cheek.

"Bye Masson," I smile waving him off while he waves back running out to catch his older brother and Shawn. I just smile beginning to clear the table.

"Bye mom," Easton kisses my cheek.

"Goodbye mrs. Mendes," Nicki smiles a little.

"Goodbye kids," I smile loading the dishwasher. "Oh and Nicki?" I call making her look a little nervous. "Would you stop calling me mrs. Mendes it makes me feel old," she giggles. "Maddy works just fine," I smile.

"Alright Maddy," she nods. "That's gonna be a difficult transition," she breaths as they walk out. I just continue to laugh. As I finally get everything cleaned up I pull out a bowl and decide to make the girls and Shawn some muffins deciding on down four trays. It seems like a lot to almost anyone but all of the kids just like their dad love muffins. I'm sure they'd each way a tray of their own if they could.

"Muffins," I use a recipe that I came up with while Shawn was on one of his many tours, and I was alone and bored as usual.

"On a scale from one to ten how mad are you about this?" He wraps his arms around me from behind. One, two and three were things he could fix easily. Four, five and six, he can fix they're just slightly harder. And seven, eight, nine, and ten, are like the red zone things that would be really hard to fix.

"You're falling into red," I push away from him pouring muffin batter into the muffin tin.

"Am I at a seven?" He pouts.

"Eight," I shrug putting the trays into my preheated oven.

"Maddy," he pouts.

"Well it's not like I don't do everything already, this won't change much about our routine." I shrug. "Good morning girls," I turn the light on and they groan. "I'm making muffins," I giggle as they pretend as if they weren't already awake as they shift and fake a yawn sitting up.

"Good morning mama," Angel smiles rubbing her tired eyes.

"Good morning Angel," I smile back kissing her forehead.

"Morning mama," Elliot smiles.

"Morning baby," I hug her.

"Now hurry up and get dressed so you can come down and eat the muffins," I smile. I already have their outfits picked out just on the bottom of their beds where they find them and get dressed quickly only to scurry down the stairs for the muffins I had made.

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