Chapter thirty three

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I lay awake looking at the roof. Cameron was in the room with me along with the boys. The twins slept in a playpen that the hotel had provided, Cameron had his bed and Easton slept with me. I waited for news. For anything really. "Maddy," Cameron yawned. "Go to sleep," he slowly opened his eyes. "I am asleep," I groaned. "No your not," he sat up. "I can't sleep," I pouted crossing my arms. "Because of Shawn?" He walked towards me. "I just wanna know he's ok," I chocked. "I'm sure he will be." His arms wrapped around me. "But what of he's not. I won't be able to love without him. And you know that, you all know that." I wiped my eyes. "I know. And he does too, I'm sure he'll wake up for you and your boys. He loves you guys so much." His hand ran up and down my back. "I can't understand why something like this would happen to someone so innocent." I cried. "Sh, your ok." He hushed. "I'm not. I won't be until he's better." I sniffed wiping my eyes. "You'll be ok." He reassured. My phone buzzed. "Hello?" I sniffed wiping my tears. "Madeline Reynolds?" She questioned. "Mendes," I corrected. "My mistake." She bit her lip. "He's awake. And he's requested to see you." I heard keyboard clicks. "A-alright. I'll be over shortly." I perked up slightly. "I'll tell the others when they wake up." He smiled. "Thank you Cameron." I gave him a tight squeeze. "Go," he shooed. "I love you," I smiled running out the door grabbing a room key and my phone. I ran towards the hospital. It was only about a block away. "Mendes?" I tapped my foot impatiently. "Room 132." She nodded. "Thank you," I smiled. I ran towards his rom sliding across the floor and into the door. "Princess." He stifled a laugh. "Shawn," I slid through the door. "Are you ok?" He chuckled. "Shut up. I'm here to see if your ok," I walked over to him wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. "I'm alright really." He nodded hugging me back. "I love you so much," I sang kissing all around his face. "I love you," I kissed his lips. He no longer wore an oxygen mask but had a nasal cannula. "I love you so fucking much." I kissed him again. "Shawn. I don't want you to carry on this tour," I pulled away resting my head against his. "But princess, I don't wanna let my fans down." He sighed. "But baby. I don't want anything else happening. You could've been killed." I gently ran my fingers threw his hair. "But I'm still here," he smiled cheekily. "If you weren't in a hospital bed I would slap you." I shook my head. "I love you so much," I kissed him again. "So you've mentioned." He giggled at me. "I can never say it enough though. Baby I almost lost you. Your everything to me." I ran my fingers over his face. "How you feeling?" I sighed sitting in the chair next to his bed. "I'm ok I guess. I feel bad though. I missed my concert and I scared you so much you ran into a door," he laughed slightly at the last part. "Shut up. Can you just pretend that didn't happen," I groaned. "Fine. Only because I love you too," his fingers ran threw my hair. "I missed you princess." He pulled my head into his chest. "I missed you so much," he sighed. "I missed your head on my chest, your laugh, your smile, mm," he pulled my head up kissing my lips sloppily. "You kisses," he smirked. "Your cuddles." He sighed. "I've missed you too baby." I smiled returning the sloppy kiss. "Shawn," his parents and Aaliyah ran threw the door. "Daddy," Easton wormed his way threw all of them. "Hi baby," Shawn smiled widely. I lifted him onto my hip so he could see. "His daddy. I missed you," he giggled hugging his father tightly. "What's that?" He pointed to his nasal cannula. "It helps me breath," he nodded. "You didn't need them before," he looked confused. "And I won't need them forever." He reassured. "Just a little longer." He kissed the child's forehead. "These two are very impatient. Just like their mother," Cam and Nash slowly followed the twins. "My babies." Shawn gasped making them gasp as well. "Who's that," I lifted them onto my hips. "Is that daddy?" I bounced. "Daddy?" I smiled. "Daddy," Easton nodded hugging his injured body. "Daddy?" Owen attempted. His words were difficult to understand but you could roughly make out the word. "Daddy," Evan smiled sure of himself. "That's right babies." I smiled widely. "They're growing up so fast," I sighed. "Shawn," Aaliyah hugged him. "Are you ok?" She stood back up straight. "Yeah. How about you?" He looked at her weird. "I'm right months into my pregnancy ok. So you can just shut up and stop judging me." She rolled her eyes. "That's a month longer then Maddy's longest time." He chuckled. "Whatever." I scoffed. "I'm so glad your ok," his mother squeezed him tightly. "You scared us half to death," his father shook his head hugging him as well. "I think I scared Maddy more then anyone," he pouted. "And I'm sorry, to everyone." He looked around. "I don't even know what happened. I was just sitting in the car and a black truck showed up and the car started rolling." He shivered. "I don't care how it happened. I car that your ok," I sighed. "Yeah I'm alright. They say if I can pass a breathing test then I can be let out today." He beamed. "And if you can't?" Aaliyah crossed her arms. "Then I have to stay here another month," He crossed his arms. "Month?" I coughed. "I'm just kidding princess," his kissed me quickly. "I have to stay for another day." He smiled. "I swear you try to kill me." I threw my hands up. "I really don't." He shook his head. "I don't wanna loose you," he pouted. "I just wanna hold you," he kissed my neck. "Ok. If your done being all sappy and disgusting," Aaliyah shivered. "Leave them alone Aaliyah. They're adorable." His mother smiled. "I'll take them and we'll give you two a couple minutes." His mom smiled. "Thank you so much," I smiled back. "So," he pulled me onto his lap. "When I get back. I want you to go out. And bye a new dress with the girls of corse and in November. On the twenty third. We will be married." He smiled. "Ok," I ran my hands threw his hair. "I'd like that," I smiled. His lips collided with mine. I smiled into the kiss. "Your cute," he chuckled as his tongue licked m teeth. "Your sexually appealing," I smiled. "Am I now?" He pulled away. "You are," I smiled. "Your sexually frustrating," he smiled. "I am huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Mhm," He nodded. "Am I sexually frustrating you right now?" I bit my lip. "As always." He groaned. "When you get out. I wanna frustrate you a little more," I whispered kissing the skin below his ear. "Alright darling." He bit his lip. "I love you so much," I pushed my lips onto his once more. "I love you too," he smiled into. The kiss. His tongue collided with mine. I smiled. They flicked against each other sending a surge of electricity through my body. His tongue explored my mouth tasting every inch of it. I shuddered in pleasure. "Am I frustrating you?" I chuckled as he pulled away laying back on the bed. "Yes," he whined. "Ok sorry precious." I kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna send your parents in. Or maybe I'll bring Easton I don't really know." I slipped off of his lap and he whimpered. "Your cute," I chuckled sloppily kissing his jawbone. "Mm," he moaned quietly. I rolled my eyes walking threw the door. I walked towards the waiting room. "You guys wanna go in?" I looked to his parents. "Can I go in grandma. Please?" Easton begged. "I won't take too long. I promise?" His bitting lip stuck out. "Oh alright," she sent him away. "Ok one second and then we can go." I lifted him onto my hip. "How are the babies doing. They restless?" I looked at Nash and Cam. "Nah they're pretty calm." He shrugged. "Alright." I nodded carrying Easton towards Shawn's room. I gently pushed the door open.


Do you guys want drama and brake ups or just calm ands spot endings for the next few chapter.  Don't forget to comment boy and share. Love you guys

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