Chapter One Hundred and Ninteen

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July seventeenth

Nicki yells in pain letting out a soft whimper after. She holds my hand tightly squeezing it as I try not to panic. My parents laugh at me from the corner of he room. "Why'd you do this to me," she leans back against the pillows.

"You wanted it remember?" I try making her smile. "Baby, you want an epidural?" I hold her hand.

"No, I won't drug, our baby," she takes long deep breaths between words.

"You're almost there," the nurse comes in to check her again.

"Eight cm," we've been in the hospital for close to seventeen hours, and she's pissed. She wants nothing more than to go home and sleep or relax but she can't, she can't even sleep now.

"When this is all over," I run my hand over her back. "You're gonna be happy you did it, and all for our little boy." I smile. "Little Jackson," she shakes her head.

"Not his name," I shake my head.

"I guess you're choosing than," I roll my eyes.

"First intelligent thing you e said all day." She smiles teasingly.

"Are you gonna stay in the room?" Mom questions me. "You're dad almost had to leave when you were born," she giggles. "But he made it through," she chuckles leaning against his shoulder.

"You better not leave me," Nicki shakes her head. "I'm in here because of you and if you leave me I will stab you in your sleep," she grabs the collar on my shirt.

"Ok, ok," I plant a kiss against her lips in attempt to get her off of my neck.

"As long as you understand," she smiles letting me go before the next contraction hits.

"Ow, ow, ow, Nicki," she squeezes my hand with much force in a failed attempt not to scream.

"You know nothing about pain," she growls a little.

"I'm sorry," I throw my hands up. It's been about twenty minutes since the last time the doctor was in here.

"Hi lets check again," she nods at her while she tries gaining composure. "10 cm," she nods and Nicki looks even more terrified than before. "Alright this is gonna be the biggest push of your life." She explains as another nurse puts her leg in my hands. "Chin of chest and just push into your bottom," she nods. "Just like being on the toilet," she explains.

"Ok," Nicki nods slowly placing her chin on her chest and pushing.

"Come on, another one just like that," she nods. She pushes again harder this time, I watch a little scared as my mom hits my shoulder every time I look away. "Beautiful I can see the head," she nods. She pushes out again really hard and I can see our baby boy's head and soon his shoulders. "Perfect," his screams fill the room as I look in shock at my parents.

"Meet the little boy," she kicks my butt snapping me out of my trance. Nicki holds him in tears.

"Look at him East," she looks up at me than back at the little boy. "He's ours," she smiles.

"Hi," I smile at him. "Hi," he keeps crying and she hushes him.

"We just wanna get him cleaned up a bit?" The nurse smiles. I nod as they take him away letting Nicki change.

"Did you see him," she falls against my shoulder. "He's so beautiful," she exclaims.

"He gets it from his mom," I smile.

"My god I'm a mom now," she gasps.

"Yes you are," I nod. "And I'm a dad," I hug her softly.

"He's so precious," she sighs squeezing me again and sitting back on the bed. "Come here," she waves me over as they bring him back. "Hi baby," she brushes her finger against his cheek. "Hold him," she looks at me. My hands shake a little.

"Ok," I nod grabbing him. He stares around at everything as if it were unusual. "Hello," I smile down at him. "Hello baby boy," I kiss his forehead and look to my parents who smile proudly at me

"Wanna hold him?" Nicki looks at them with much pride and excitement.

"I'd love to," mom smiles grabbing him gently from my arms. "Does he have a name?"

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