Chapter Eighty One

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"Get up," someone yells hitting the bars of our cells. Sighing I sit up and walk to the steel rods holding onto them. "Newbie," they chuckle. "Come on Mendes let's go," the cell door moves and he grabs my arms placing them in handcuffs again.

"What are we doing?" I sigh slumping down the hall with him.

"It's training day," he chuckles. "You'll love it," he chuckles throwing me into the gym area.

"Where's my family? When do I get to see my family?" I growl.

"Patients my child, your attitude won't help you. In fact here," he throws me some boxing gloves. "Go box Vivian. It'll help you relieve some of this stress and attitude." He yells out the name and a girl twice my size walks up. I watch them bring Shawn into the room while he I cuffs my hands and hands me the gloves.

"No you can't make her do this," he screams. "She's so frail," he ends up by the ropes at the side as the guards chant 'fight' over and over.

"Begin," someone yells. She throws paunch a I dodge but the next one hits me in the nose. I snort and throw punches at her.

"No please don't hurt her," I can hear his voice fade as he walks away. I continue punching until a loud voice erupts.

"New champion," they all stand in awe. "Mendes you win," my guards nods his head awkwardly. "I didn't think you would be able to survive that." He confesses. I scoff and walk towards my husband.

"You won," he smiles pulling down on the bar.

"I won," I giggle sitting in front of him.

"How was last night for you?" He let's go of the bar and runs his fingers threw my hair.

"I didn't sleep, but I have the cell to myself." I shrug.

"Mendes," my guard yells.

"I have to go," I sigh kissing him quickly.

"Good luck. Don't get hurt please," he begs.

"I won't," I chuckle standing.

"Mendes," Shawn's guard yells. "You've got visitors." She grabs his arms and cuffs them.

"Funny so do you," he leads us to the visiting site. It's just a room that looks a lot like a cafeteria filled with prisoners and their family's and surrounded by guards.

"Mommy," Elliot runs over as he uncuffs my hands.

"Hi Elliot." I lift her into my arms.

"Where you go?" She pouts looking around.

"Mom, dad," the boys run over.

"Hi Masson," Shawn smiles hugging them.

"Easton," I sigh hugging him tightly.

"What'd you do?" He crosses his arms almost in tears.

"Nothing baby I swear. We wouldn't do something like this you know that." I hug him against me.

"Then how'd you end up here?" He crosses his arms. "Mom this isn't a joke." 

"It's not a joke to me either," I sigh and bring him closer. "We'll figure this out I promise." I whisper. "Are you all together in this foster care?" He sigh as the twins waddle over.

"Yeah," they nod. "Gramps and Maddison took us." Owen adds.

"Well tell them we say thanks." I sigh as Shawn walks over.

"Here," he holds Angle out to me.

"Hi baby," we switch and he takes Elliot while I hold Angle. "Hi Angle," I kiss her forehead and her eyes open she just looks at me. "Are you gonna be like Ellie and never smile." I tease. "Will you smile?" I whisper as she falls back asleep. "I guess not," I chuckle.

"How long are you supposed to be here?" Masson shivers looking around.

"Too long," Shawn breaths.

"We got ten year," I sigh cuddling my babies.

"But you didn't do anything?" Evan furrows his eyebrows.

"That's not what they think." I sigh.

"Mendes," my guard yells. "Times up," I sigh.

"Bye kids," I sigh hugging each of them.

"But mom," Easton whines.

"I need you to help them with your siblings ok?" I hug him tightly.

"Ok," he sighs.

"I'll see you in court." I kiss his forehead.

"Bye mom bye dad," they all sigh.

"Bye kids," I sigh as they handcuff us both again. I watch as Elliot cries running over.

"Bye bye," she hugs our legs.

"Bye princess," Shawn sighs.

"Goodbye Elliot." I sigh as Easton walks over and takes her away. She sobs.

An arranged marriage S.M. 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin