Chapter Fifty Seven

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"They're kinda like Romeo and Juliet." I explained to my grandpa. "Yeah how so?" He smiled. "The whole forbidden love thing." I sighed studying my parents' body's they both lay on hospital beds side by side. "Hey Easton?" Two voices questioned from behind me. "Yes," I turned facing my parents' partners. "Can you tell your dad that i didn't wanna bother him but things between us should end?" Krista sighed. "Yeah and tell your mom the same," Adam begged. "Tell her if I dump her nothing happens." He nodded again as they thanked me and walked out. "They shouldn't be together but their love is stronger then what the other people are saying. "I continued explaining while walking farther into the room and closer to them. "I just hope it doesn't end the same." I sighed placing their hands together. "Me too," He breathed. "Hey gramps," I turned. "I was going through old photo albums on my dads old phone -the one I have- and I found these." I showed him the album labeled 'Divorce'. "They got divorced?" I raised and eyebrow. "Yeah for three months." he chuckled. "They really do love each other." He smiled. "They never argued and the one time they did," he sighed. "It got messy. but they pulled through and stayed strong and then you were born." He gave me a nice smile. "They agreed on everything no one ever said anything other then what the first person said. And when you were about three or four weeks old your parents got into a fight. A really bad fight and your mom divorced your dad." I shrugged. "They were only officially divorced for about two or three weeks but they didn't talk much for three months. and when they officially got divorced your mom fell into a coma." He looked towards the two of them. "We didn't tell your dd until the day she woke up. And then when your mom got out she went back home and maybe the day later they were together again." he smiled. "They have a complicated love story that is one you could tell to anyone and they wouldn't understand why they're still together. They met in junior high, did you know that?" He raised an eyebrow making me shake my head. "They were right around your age." He nodded holding me against him. We were the only ones still in the hospital, everyone else had gone home with the younger ones so they weren't too discouraged. "He loves you guys and your mom so much." He spoke referring to my dad. "I know, I wish things had ended differently." I sniffed wiping my eyes. "Don't loose hope yet, theres about thirty times I was completely convinced your mom was gonna die." He chocked. "But she always woke up." He planted a kiss on the crown of my head. "I'm doing a school project on Romeo and Juliet," I added randomly. "We're supposed to show how Romeo and Juliet can be realistic." I looked towards them. "Do you think my parents would be a good aspect?" I looked towards them pulling my phone out to take a picture. "You're just like your parents your mom would've said the same thing." He chuckled. "I wish they would wake up soon, I need to fix things between them and my dad and me." I sighed. "I'm sure things'll get better." he reassured staring at my parents. "And if they do end up leaving you," he paused taking a deep breath. "At least they'll be together." I finished. "Yeah," he nodded. "I wish they were with me," I sniffed. "Will you give me a minute?" I looked towards him. "Of corse," he nodded walking out. "Don't leave us. Poor little Elliot doesn't even remember you yet." I sighed. "But I couldn't forget you," I sniffed letting a single tear fall onto their connected hands. "I'm sorry about what i said. I didn't mean any of it," I walked beside where my dad lay and gently I touched his tangled hair. I could feel the shards of glass and it completely broke me. I broke down my tears fell against his cheeks. "I'm sorry," I sniffed. "Mom," I sighed moving from my dad and walking towards my mom. I touched her bruised face. "You guys can't leave me." I sighed walking out towards my grandpa. "Ok I'm ready to go." I looked at the floor. "Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow. "no wait I forgot." I ran back into their room. I placed a gentile kiss on my moms cheek. "I love you," I closed my eyes taking two deep breaths before walking towards my dad. "I love you." i kissed his cheek as well before tucking my bracelet under his hand. It was a bracelet that I have had since I was little, It was my lucky bracelet. "I'm sorry," I sighed again walking out and into his embrace. "I don't wanna loose them." I cried. "You won't loose them," he reassured. "Your brothers are gonna spend the night with your grandparents but Maddox and Sabrina are gonna keep Elliot where do you wanna go?" he led me out of the building. "I wanna go home," I sniffed. "Alright me and Maddison can take you home if you want." He singled her as she sat in the waiting room. She didn't want to go in she was kind of afraid of going in because she knew shed end up crying. "Alright." I nodded following him towards the car. I sat in the back and stared out the window the whole time caring about nothing more then the well being of my parents. "Are we gonna end up in an orphanage or a foster home?" I looked at him threw the rear view mirror. "No I'll take you guys if I have too but I'm sure your parents'll wake up. Before Christmas I bet." he reassured. "Ok," I nodded. "You'll be ok," he reassured. 

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