Chapter One Hindred and Twenty One

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Maddy and I have taken on the night shifts as the kids have school tomorrow. They say they're gonna bring him with them. "What's the matter?" I sigh lifting the crying infant. I hush him slowly bouncing back and forth calming him until I hear a quiet knock. "Come in," I chuckle running my hand over his back.

"Hi, um, Shawn? I-I know it's late but I heard him crying and I just," I stop her.

"He's ok, we're more than happy to watch him for you while you two get some sleep," I nod.

"If you're sure," she nods cautiously. "Because I could take him," I shake my head and smile.

"We're ok," I nod sending her off.

"Shawn," Maddy smiles at me.

"Yes love," I try putting Jayce back to sleep.

"Is he awake?" She sits up.

"Definitely," I nod only able to see the white of his eyes. He has brownish greenish eyes.

"I wanna see my grand baby," she smiles.

"Jayce doesn't wanna sleep," I chuckle.

"Maybe I can get him to sleep," she smiles holding her arms out for the little boy. "Hi," she traces his face. "Hello," she smiles down at him. "It's weird that he's not ours." She chuckles.

"It's weird that I'm a grandparent," I shiver a little. "I'm too young," I giggle.

"We're too young," she corrects while holding the now sleeping child. "He's asleep," she hands him back to me and I lay him in his crib. The girls have found an obsession with sleeping with Owen and Evan.

"Now I've gotta put you to sleep," I smile sitting next to her.

"You're such a child," she rolls her eyes.

"Well, I was young when I fell in love with you," I kiss her cheek. "And because of that," I squeeze her. "I don't ever wanna grow up,"


"How was that?" She smiles while I walk back through the door.

"Why is everybody suddenly so interested in us?" I breath sitting on the couch next to her.

"Easton," she chuckles leaning against me. "Summer just came to get the girls," she explains. "Her and JJ want to spend time with them." She nods hanging onto my bicep.

"So I have you all to myself?" I gasp and she giggles.

"And I have you all to myself," she kisses my cheek. "What should we do?" Her hand traces shapes around my shoulder.

"We should cuddle and watch movies all day?" I tease.

"Why don't we go to a spa?" She gasps. "Or we could get pedicures together?" She closes her magazine. "It'll be cute," she smiles.

"Pick one?" I shrug. "I'm ok with whatever,"

"Lets do both," she giggles. The sun shines high and she wears her short shorts and a tank top.

"You complain about being old," I roll my eyes at her outfit as she stands.

"Well," she rolls her eyes. "You're always telling me how young I look," she huffs.

"Touché," I chuckle leading her towards the door. "I'll drive," I kiss her cheek again.


Her hand gently holds mine while she looks through a magazine. We both receive pedicures which at first I was against, it's something I rarely do and even when I get it done I usually dislike it. "What should we do next?" She looks to me.

"We could," I pause. "Go walk around the city? Have a day in a small town, go on a date," I giggle as does she.

"We never go out anymore do we?" She chews on the inside of her cheeks as if debating. "Alright," she nods. "Lets go on a date," she smiles. "But, more importantly what colour should I get?"

"Purple," I smile at the ones she has in her hands.

"Really?" She giggles handing it to the lady. "I thought you would've picked blue," she smiles.

"Purple looks the best on you," I smile making her blush. "I love it when you blush," I smile wider touching her pink cheek.

"I know," she rolls her eyes and I giggle. "As soon as my nails are dry we'll leave," they begin working on painting her fingernails a light shade of green that I had chosen as well. We wait nothing more than twenty minutes before they are finished blowing them dry and we leave. "You know," her head lays on my shoulder. "I think this is the closest I've been to you since Masson was born," she sighs.

"What about at night," I doll my eyes.

"The thirty seconds I get to hold you before Elliot and Angel show up? That counts now?" She rolls her eyes squeezing me gently.

"They sleep with Evan and Owen now remember?" I roll my eyes and kiss her forehead.

"I love my little girls," she breaths. "They're perfect,"

"They are," I nod planting a kiss on her temple. "And it's all because of their mama,"

"Stop it," she giggles.

"Ok, whatever," I roll my eyes. "What do you want to do?" We walk towards the car and she sighs of content kissing my jawbone.

"I don't care," she sits behind the car and hugs me tightly.

"What's wrong?" I chuckle hugging her back.

"Does something have to be wrong for me to hug my husband?" She scoffs.

"Usually," I chuckle squeezing her back.

"I just wanted to show you some affection," she giggles before we're cut off by the ringing of her phone. "I'm so sorry," she pouts at me.

"It's ok, I'm start the car." I smile as she answers the call. She talks outside for a bit before getting into the car.

"Alright, we'll be there soon," she nods with a sigh before hanging up.

"What happened," I grab her hand.

"Easton got into a fistfight," she buries her head in her hands.

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