Chapter Five

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After much deliberation Miles finally decides to leave me alone and he walks to his house instead of following me to mine. I mean I can understand where he's coming from when he says that he wants to protect me from my crappy guardians. But no matter how many times he pokes out his very frail and skinny chest at me and tries to look manly, I never let him follow me back to my house. Because I know that my mom's boyfriend, Carlos, wouldn't even hesitate to fight Miles. Especially if he's drunk again.

I watch as Miles disappears down the street and I stealthily make my way around the side of the house. I look up at my window which is on the second floor and grin as soon as I see that it's already open. I usually leave my window open for days like this when I don't get home early enough to avoid Carlos. But sometimes if my mom is cleaning she'll shut my window and ruins everything.

I silently jog over towards the pipe that is attached to the side of the house and I use my legs to start shimming up. This pipe used to pose as a challenge for me when trying to sneak in and out of this house, but ever since I've started working out and building my upper body strength it's become a breeze.

When I reach the window I quickly grab onto the ledge and swing myself into the room, nearly hitting my head on the top of the window seal.

I fall into the room with a thud and instantly freeze, hoping that no one cares enough to wonder whether or not I'm home. Hopefully Carlos doesn't get pissed off and decide to come up here and scream at me about causing a ruckus.

I slowly stand up and look over at the bed to see my younger sister, Angie, curled up under my covers. I breathe a sigh of relief to see that she made it here before Carlos got home.

My sister is only nine and Carlos hasn't hit her before but it's not like I'm just going to sit around and wait for it to happen. Carlos definitely has some temper problems and I don't even really know why my mom stays with him. He's a worthless drunk that doesn't even provide for us, my mom is working two jobs already and what does he do?

Well I'm not sure, but he always leaves at the same time in the morning, and gets back at the same time in the afternoon.

That's why I always tell Angie that she can't stay and chat with her friends after school. I make sure that she comes straight home and locks herself in my room.

I run a hand through my hair and kick my shoes off. I walk over to my desk and take off my skinny jeans and replace them with a very comfortable pair of sweatpants. I walk over to my bed and lay down next to Angie, she immediately curls into my body and I wrap my arm around my sister before I slowly drift off to sleep.


It doesn't seem like it's much later that I'm being woken up by screaming. I open my eyes and look down at Angie to see that she's still asleep. I then look over at the clock to see that it's about half an before I'm initially supposed to wake up. I yawn and move my body from besides Angie. I decide to ignore the yelling that's coming from downstairs that is obviously just my mom and Carlos going at it again just like they do every morning. Usually it's about my mom thinking that Carlos is cheating on her, which he probably is, and then he starts calling her things that shouldn't ever be said to any female.

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