Chapter Thirty One

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"There's a Carlos looking for you up front."

We all go completely silent as soon as the words leave the crew members mouth. I'm not surprised at all though, Carlos trying to find me after the fight was inevitable even if I did lose. So I've thought this through already, decided how Angie and I would make our quick escape. There's only one door that leads through the back so that was really the only option that I had to work with. It's definitely a stretch and probably far too obvious, but I'm hoping that we can make it through there unscathed with all of the guys that I have with me. Mike and Miles would never let anything happen to me or Angie, and having Trevor and Jake there is just an added bonus to guarantee Angie's safety.  

Following through with my plan is actually a lot less dramatic and not at all as worthy of description as I thought it would. There are no men staked out in the back waiting for us like I thought there would be. No Carlos waiting back there to catch us. No booby trap set up for us to walz right into. 

It was just an easy walk out the back door. 

And that's what makes me uneasy. 

Carlos is smarter than to think that I would actually go talk to him even if he were waiting up front. I know good and well that he had to of known that we'd be leaving through some other door. The guy may be an alcoholic, but he's no idiot. Crazy is just intelligence to a higher extent, and Carlos seems t be craziness personified. 

So why wasn't he waiting for me at the back door?

Why was there no one waiting for us back there?

Why can't I just be happy that there wasn't?

These are the thoughts that I just can't seem to shake out of my head as we draw near to Trevor's house. We drove around for a long time, me being too paranoid to go back to Trevor's house straight away. I needed to be completely positive that there wasn't anyone following us before I could feel good about going back. But surely enough no one else even seemed to be driving the streets this late at night. 

After about an hour of listening to Angie's soft snoring in the back seat, I finally decided that it was safe for everyone to head home. I'm still anxious about Carlos, but that anxiety seems to be set aside as I realize that this is going to be the first night that Angie and I are going to be staying over at Trevor's house. Trevor and I haven't really talked much since our earlier conversation, not really finding time in between my panic about Carlos. 

"If anything else happens," Mike says as we pull up in front of Trevor's house. "Don't hesitate to call. I'll make sure to pick up as soon as you do."

"You and I both know that's a lie," I roll my eyes at the older man. "You sleep like a rock. I could be in the room screaming in your room and you wouldn't so much as flinch. You're like a bear Mike."

"I offer my help and all you can do is insult me?" Mike laughs gruffly before waving me off. "Get out of my car kid. You know where to find me."

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