Chapter Thirty

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A/N: I GOT TICKETS TO GO SEE CAMILA CABELLO AT HER CONCERT IN CHICAGO ON APRIL 22ND AND I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED!!!! There's her performing Havana off to the side if you don't know who I'm talking about---}}}


I haven't decided what I'm going to be doing yet and I'm clearly running out of time. I stare at myself in the mirror as I wrap my hands up. The fight is going to be starting very soon, definitely within the next half an hour. I've been here for a few hours already, lounging around and thinking. 

If I don't throw the fight, if I win it, Carlos will definitely be after me. But I've already got a spot reserved for Angie and me at Trevor's house in the event that does happen. There's are still a million ways that this could go wrong though, this isn't a big town, I'm sure that Carlos wouldn't have any issues finding me if he really wanted to. We'd never be completely safe. 

 But losing to A-Train would basically mean losing my career. And even though I could probably find another job at some fast food restaurant, that money wouldn't be nearly enough to sustain both me and Angie. Especially since I could only work 24 hours in a school week and wouldn't make anywhere near as much money as I make by fighting. 

"Ready to go champ?"

I glance over my shoulder and see Mike standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. I can't tell how he's feeling about this, his expression is completely stoic as he looks back at me. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say adjusting in my seat. 

"I remember the first time you sat in that seat," Mike says as he leans back against the wall. "Right before your first fight. I begged you not to go out there and fight. But you did it anyways."

"And I got my ass handed to me."

"You sure did," Mike laughs and I can't help but to crack a smile at the distant memory too. "And I wasn't going to help you train again after that, you were just this little girl who had absolutely no idea what she was getting herself into. But when you came knocking at my door again after just one day, I knew that I needed to help you. Most fighters take weeks if not months to recover from the kind of injuries you got before they start fighting again. It may not have taken them much to knock you do, but it didn't take anything at all for you to get back up."

"I remember," I nod at what he's saying. "Can you hurry up and get to the inspirational part of this story so I can finish my hair?"

"You've come a long way Violet," Mike says bluntly. "And I don't think you give yourself enough credit for everything that you do. I've never met anyone as strong as you and I don't want you to let some drunken asshole steal all of that progress away from you."

"He's a threat to me Mike."

"No you're a threat to him," Mike says. "Stop letting him get into your mind. You could take him in one punch."

"But he's got connections."

"Don't we all?"

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