Chapter 5

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It was almost 3. DJ would be here in ten minutes. I walked out of my bedroom and smelled the aroma of spaghetti. I walked over to the stove and removed the top from the pot. Bingo! Pasta was my favorite food. My stomach growled and suddenly couldn’t remember the last time I ate.

“This smells so good. Thanks Drua.”

She said, “you know I got skills in the kitchen, quit playing. Now, we’re waiting on the garlic bread to get brown and DJ to get here, then we can eat.”

“Speaking of DJ let me go wait for him at the bus stop.”

I walked to end of the street that way when DJ looked out the bus window he would see me. We had an understanding; if I wasn’t there when the bus pulled up, he should ride the bus back to school and call his papa to come pick him up.

When he saw me he smiled. My heart melted. I instantly felt better.

“Hey Kid.”

“Hi, mommy.” He said.

“How was school today?”

 “It was good. We have a field trip next Friday. Can I go?”

“Do you have the form for me to fill out?”

“Yea, it’s in my folder.”

“Ok, well let me read over first and I will let you know. Are you hungry?” He shook his head up and down fast. “Good because Auntie Dria is making our favorite food right now.”

His eyes grew wide. “Spaghetti and meatballs?”

I laughed. “Yep. I’ll race u on the count of three.” We stopped walking and got in a running stance. I counted.


I started running faster than him so he could build up his athletic skills. Being in a family full of men, he would have to excel in some kind of sport. I slowed my pace so he could run to the door and beat me.

He yelled, “haha! You’re too slow.” I smiled.

“I’m not too slow. You’re just too fast. Now, go change your clothes and wash up, so we can eat.”

By the time we finished eating and laughed at how silly my son was, it was time for Dria to leave and go to work.  I walked her to the door. She hugged me and told me she loved me and if I needed anything I knew how to reach her. I cleaned up the kitchen while DJ sat at the table to do his homework.

“Mommy, I’m thirsty.”

“Hey thirsty, I’m mommy.”

“I got a friend named Capri sun. Can he come over?” I laughed. Kids nowadays are a trip. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a Capri sun.

“DJ, I meant for you to ask the correct way for the drink before you started to drinking it.

“Oh, sorry.”

Shaking my head I said, “Are you done with your homework?”


"Well let me sign your folder. Then clean off the table and put your backpack by the door.”

 He did as he was told. All in all, he was a pretty decent child. He did have a bad attitude and a short temper. This was both characteristics from Derrick and me.  I went into my room to take a nap while DJ played his Nintendo Wii.

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