Chapter 9

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sorry for the wait guys.... special s/o to my cuzzo Jalessa for trying to make me write at the family ya girl...HAPPY READING

On the ride home my tears could not stop. I cannot believe he would disrespect me that much. I never ever imagined that the once love of my life put his hands on me. Is this what I’m really waiting for? Derrick was dangerous. If he had people out there watching me, there was no room for any man in my life. That scared the shit out of me. I sent a mass text message to my brothers except Dante and the girls. Dante didn’t need to know what happened at the jail. He was too young and juvenile to hear about this.

Group Text (Darrell, Darryl, Devin, Dria, Carmyn, April):

Leaving the prison… had a visit with Derrick….we had an argument…. He SLAPPED me!!

I knew the text message would raise a lot of questions, concerns and anger so I turned my phone off to avoid them until I was ready to talk. I looked through the rearview mirror and noticed DJ was staring at me. Damn, I thought, how was I going to explain this to him.

“Baby are you ok?” He shook his head yes. “Come up here and let me talk to you.”

He climbed up to the front seat and put on his seat belt.

“You know your daddy and I love you. But sometimes parents just don’t love each other. I mean I do love your dad but people do or say mean and hurtful things. For a long time your daddy has said some mean things and hurt mommy’s feelings. Today your daddy lost his temper and hit me. It is NEVER ok for you to put your hands on a woman, you hear me?” I said with tears welling up in my eyes. He stared at me. “We are going to take a break from seeing daddy for awhile. You can write him as much as you want. He may even call you. But until Mommy and daddy are able to be friends again I can’t see him. Do you understand?”


“Ok. Good.”

I loved Derrick more than life itself. He was my first love and the father of my child. I wanted to be his all but this jail sentence took a toll on our relationship. Derrick just started this sentence four years ago. Before my son was born, he did go to jail for a few months but was released and put on probation for narcotics possession. I thanked God for that because he would be able to see his first child’s birth and we could actually be a family. That was a short-lived dream because three years later, we were back in the courtroom for the same murder charge that was dropped prior. I never knew the full details of why the case reappeared but I just prayed to God that justice would be served. Unfortunately, justice was served but not on my behalf.

An hour or so into our drive back home, I decided to stop and see my grandma. I talked with her on a regular basis but only seen her a few times out the year. I drove down the dirt road into the big yard. I cursed under my breath because my truck was dusty and my drunk uncle Junior was sitting on the porch. I knew he was about to beg for some money. He was an unemployed alcoholic that lived off his mama.

“Who is that drivin up in my yard?”

“It’s your beautiful niece and nephew, Uncle Junior.”

“Oh shit now! Look at you, lookin just like ya mama. Come here and give me a hug.”

I held my breath to avoid his stench. I made the hug quick as possible then pushed DJ into his arms. “Hey there lil man. What you been up to?” “Nothing. Can I have a dollar? I want to go to the candy lady house.”

“Quit begging. What I tell you about that?”

“I aint got it anyway lil man. Go ask your Aunt Nita.”

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