Chapter VI

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Jihoon on the photo 😂 He's just so cute there.

"Jeonghan wake up." I tried waking up Jeonghan for like the 99th time but he won't budge and he just keep on sleeping and saying incoherent words unconsciously.

He slept in front of my door overnight and just the thought made me feel guilty so I decided to take pity on him and carry him inside my room ,nestling him on my bed and tucking him under my blankets. He didn't even wake up after I carried him. I just can't believe how heavy sleeper this one was.

I sat there for a while, taking a breather and thinking about what Jeonghan did last night. He healed my bruise and left the area smooth from anything. I mean how did he do that? I believe there were some cases of people having that kind of ability but was Jeonghan gifted with it?

Then I remembered him saying that he was from heaven, that he was an angel. What if he wasn't lying? He does look angelic in every way and his kindness cannot be compared with anyone else. He didn't like it when I badmouth people and he would get really mad if we happen to saw someone sleeping on the streets and not help them even if it was a small thing. He was good with both animals and people and sometimes I would wonder if he was really an angel or just special in his own way. But what about that marred scar on his back? What if it was once wings?

No. It can't be, we're in the 20th era already to believe things like that plus I think it would be stupid if God saw me taking advantage of his angel and kissing him. I bet he would choke me to death and won't wait for my due date.

Once again, I looked towards Jeonghan who stretched and went back to sleep afterwards. His loose sweatshirt slid off of his shoulder and it was cute that he wasn't aware of it but there was something that I noticed just underneath his shoulder. I crawled to the bed to get near him and slid off to take a peek at his arm and I gasped to see the same bruise that I had last night. I looked at him confusedly before fixing his clothes and started my way towards the kitchen for a must needed breakfast and medicine.

What was the meaning of that? How can that bruise be on him? How was it even possible?


"What do you mean bruise? And what? Jeonghan absorbed it? HA HA HA that's hilarious. Are you drunk or what?" Seungcheol rolled his eyes as we walked towards the hotel building where the other models were because a catwalk event was being held, showing new clothes that were appropriate for winter so to say it shortly, it was about winter clothes and since it would be done in two consecutive days, we were required to stay to avoid the 2 hours travel and heavy traffic, making the arrival turn 3hours.

Autumn has long ended and winter was starting with the cold weather and daily bits of snow falling here and there, making the road slippery and plants die due to the extremely cold weather.

I left Jeonghan home. I really don't want to left him at home but Seungcheol said that the event only requires the model and two other staffs to assist and that staffs happened to be Seungcheol and Jihoon. Dino was supposed to be the one to stay with me during that two days but thinking about Jeonghan staying alone for two days at my house somewhat worried me. It was not like I didn't trust him because I already trusted him but he still needed some more time in getting used to with things and how an appliance work or it'll explode so I asked Dino to stay with him for the days that I would be away and bribing him about drinking afterwards which made him agree.

So meaning to say, I would be stuck with Seungcheol and Jihoon for the next two days and that made me worry a lot. What if they noticed something weird about me? Those guys won't let it slide of course and I don't like that idea but the possibility was like 50%? Oh geez It's not good.

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