Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Alexander went on about how Liam had damaged his car, while Liam rolled his eyes and started to speak over Alex and defend his action. He mentioned how Ryan was going to grab him from behind and help Alex hit him. Ryan stayed silent and didn't dare look at Luna. Is ego clearly hurt. The principal told both boys to shut up and turned to Luna who had been silent all along.

"So Miss Hart, could you please shed some light on the situation?"

"Well, it started when Liam hit Alexander's car. He..."

"SEE! HE STARTED IT!" Alexander cut in.

"Alexander! Let Miss Hart talk!" The principal told him.

"So as I was saying. Alexander came out and told him to stop and threw a punch but Liam was able to evade it with ease." She said throwing that small jab at Alexander's ego, which got him angry and he threw her a death glare.

"It turns out that Liam damaged the car because Alexander bullied him in elementary school. Then Alexander decided to fight and swung a few punches toward Liam who once more dodged all of them. When he wasn't paying attention, Alexander asked Ryan to grab Liam from behind and Just as he was going to do so, I kicked him below the belt and her fell to the grown. I get that violence isn't right but I reacted without thinking. So for that, I'm very sorry. So then Alexander got very angry and lunged at me and tried to punch me."

"Is this true Mr. Cunningham?" Asked the principal in a low tone.


"YES! It's very true." Liam stepped in. "Anyone who was there can tell you."

"Thank you Mr....?"

"Pemberton, Liam Pemberton."

"Thank you Mr. Pemberton. We'll talk about this later Mr. Cunningham."

Alexander slouched in his chair, clearly aware of the trouble he was in.

"So Miss Hart, what happened after Mr. Cunningham tried to hit you?"

"Liam was nice enough to try and help, but before he could, I already had grabbed Alexander's arm and pinned it in his back. Then the teachers arrived and all was over."

"Very well. Thank you Miss Hart. I appreciate your honesty. You may go back to class but please refrain from using violence next time, even if it is to help another student."

"Of course. Thank you sir. Have a nice day." She said as she got up.

"WHAT?! SHE GET'S TO LEAVE JUST LIKE THAT?" Alexander yelled while getting up.

"MR. CUNNINGHAM! SIT DOWN NOW!!!" The principal roared, clearly fed up with the young man's outbursts. "Miss Hart gets to leave since she isn't responsible for what happened. And you can also leave Mr. Hunter." He said to Ryan. "But I better not catch you joining in a fight or there will be consequences."

Ryan got up and nodded and bolted out of the office. Luna was going to leave but a hand grabbed her shoulder with force and forced her to turn around.

"You stay here." Alexander growled between his teeth.


Luna grabbed Alexander's arm and squeezed as hard as she could. Alexander let go of her shoulder do to the pain her strong grip was inflicting him.

"OW! What was that for?!"

"You wouldn't let go." She answered calmly.

Liam was once more laughing in his chair and even the principal was kind of amused by the situation.

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