Chapter 11

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After school, Alexander waited for Luna at her locker. He needed to talk about what Pricilla had said. Luna may have reacted nicely in public, but he really wanted to clear the situation with her. Hopefully she wasn't to mad. When Luna saw him, he was afraid that she would frown and be mad, but she didn't. She gave him an arrogant grin and walked to him.

"You really want to be tutored if you're already waiting in front of my locker. Sadly, that's going to be after supper."

Alexander remembered that they had agreed to meet up for his first tutoring lesson during history. He gave her a small smile and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Actually, I wanted to talk about the whole prank thing. I had planned that before we became friends. It was the day that the paper announced that the party would be at the cemetery and I was angry and I started planning it to get revenge. I was going to tell the team to drop it today, but I ended up spending most of my time with you, so I didn't have time to tell them before lunch and..." Alexander ended up blurting out before he was cut off by Luna.

"It's fine. I'm not mad, really. It would take a lot more to scare me than what you had planned. I do a horror movie marathon each year with Raven on Halloween. I'm pretty immune to scares now."

"You're not mad? For real?"

"YES! But I will if you ask again. Look, I'll make a deal with you, if I'm mad at you I promise I'll tell you and hit your face with my locker, okay?" She added with a grin.

Alexander relaxed and laughed. He knew that she really wasn't mad and even the threat was actually calming him down. At least he would always know when she was angry at him.

"What happens if I'm not close to your locker?"

"Then I'll just have to unscrew the door and bring it to you."

"You have a solution to everything don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. Btw, I think you shouldn't be the knave for Halloween. I think you should go as March Hare since you're so crazy. I still can't believe that you can plan a whole prank and you can memorize all the plays for football but you can't remember what we see in history. Crazy."

Alexander grew a little shy at the friendly jab.

"Plus, you would look great with bunny eats and a cotton tail." Luna laughed, making Alex blush.

But it didn't last long. His confidence came back and he gave her a flirty look and said:

"I knew you had fantasies about me, but I didn't think that they were this bad."

At that, they both burst out in laughter. Alex knew that he really liked hanging out with Luna and that her friendship meant a lot to him. As they walked to his car, they made fun of each other until they arrived at her house. She invited him in and he agreed, even if he wasn't thrilled at the idea of seeing Pricilla. He sat on a stool and looked at her start the little bit a dishes left in the sink. He offered to help but she refused and she finished up quickly. Patricia walked in and was about to pour herself a glass of juice when Pricilla walked in and bumped into her, nocking the bottle of juice on the floor, where it spilled the rest of its content.

"Be careful! This outfit is designer. Great, now there's no more juice. Give me yours!" Pricilla said. She then grabbed the glass out of her sister's hand and walked up to her room.

Alexander was stunned at what he had seen. He never saw how awful his ex was to her own twin. To tell the truth, Patricia didn't look like her sister that much. She had strawberry blond hair and grey eyes, while Pricilla's hair was bleach blonde and her eyes were blue. The only similarity was their noses. They had a 'duchess nose' which was straight and well defined and gave their face a classic beauty.

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