Chapter 10

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So Luna and Alexander didn't see the girl go in or out of the bar, so at midnight, he drove her back home. On their way back, Alexander pointed out that he still didn't have a costume idea and asked Luna for her help once more. Luna decided to follow the same steps Samantha used for her.

"Do you want your costume to be funny, scary or pretty?"

"Pretty? Really?"

"Fine. Cool, then."

"I'd go with scary and cool I guess."

"So any particular idea come to mind?"

"Well, I'd be down to go with the 'Crazy Alice' theme you have going on, so what male characters are left?"

"White rabbit, March Hare who's the rabbit at the tea party, there's Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb. I could actually see you as Twiddle Dumb. Very fitting." She said with a grin.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Who else?"

"Well there's the Cheshire Cat and the knave of hearts."

"Knave of hearts? Who's that?"

"He's one of the Queen's soldiers."

"Sounds cool. Okay, knave of hearts it is."

"Yay, I get a servant!"

"Ya right. I'm going rogue on you and I'll be after your head. Sweet revenge."

"Fine, I'll just have to send the Mad Hatter and Bloody Red Riding Hood after you and I'll be the one with a nice severed head."

"Aww. You think my head is nice."

"You're clearly missing the message, but I guess you could be uglier."

"You gave me a complement?! How the tables have turned!" Alex bragged exaggeratedly, while secretly being genuinely happy about it.

Luna rolled her eyes and told him to shut up. They continued their banter until they got to her house. When he parked the car in front of the path that lead to the door, Luna got out and wave at him from the front porch.

* * * * * * * *

Alexander went back home, impatient for Halloween to come. Then it hit him, Halloween was less than three weeks away and now he was friends with Luna. The revenge plan had to be cancelled, but he first had to convince his teammates to not do it. He knew that would be hard since she had embarrassed them quite a few times, but he couldn't let her go through all of those scares. She was his friend and didn't deserve to be publicly humiliated. He realized that he had only planned this dumb plan because of his bruised ego. Luna didn't actually do him any harm, she had just answered his dumb insults with sarcastic witty comebacks, which were actually pretty funny if you ignored the fact that they were made to insult him. He'd also have to prevent Pricilla from messing with Luna too. This was going to be a busy week.

* * * * * * * *

Luna went to school by foot and arrived just in time for her history class she shared with Alexander. As she walked in, she saw that her usual corner seat had a new neighbour. Alexander waved at her and smiled, making everyone gossip some more. Luna sat down and already she felt drained. This much attention wasn't a good thing.

"Hey Luna. Nice to see you after so long."

"Ha ha ha. Why the sudden change of seat?"

"Well why would I sit next to random people when I have a friend in the class?"

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