Chapter 9

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On their way back, he asked if she went there often and she admitted going at least once a week and being miserable once winter arrived since it would close until March. She then asked him what he was doing going to a bar. Hoping to learn that he would give up on finding her.

"I went and saw a girl I think I know, but I can't remember her face clearly. She's probably 5'5, has dark hair and has pretty nice curves."

"Of course, you notice the curve but can't find the name." She joked. "So why do you want to find her?"

"I'm not sure, I just feel like a need to. It's been stuck in my head ever since and I even spent all day trying to find out who she would be."

"Really?!" Luna laughed. She was relieved that he didn't think of her but to make this work, she would have to see who he thought could be her.

"Hey! Don't laugh. I'm working on it."

"Fine. So who do you think it could be?"

"I'm sure it's someone I can see often so she's probably at school. Then there are four girls that I managed to picture as that girl. Lily and Chantel who are cheerleaders..."

"You're a football player who couldn't even recognized a cheerleader. How is that even possible?"

"I don't hang out with them, I just see them at the games and even then I 'm busy focusing on, well, THE GAME."

"Fine. It's unlikely to be either one of them but ok. Who else?"

"Why wouldn't it be them?"

"They're from rich backgrounds and don't need to work. Plus, the fact that they are on the squad pretty much guarantees that they wouldn't risk losing their social standing for a job that they don't need."

"Fine Sherlock, what about Mary Smith. She's in my science class but always seems to be alone. She's on a scholarship. She probably need money, right?"

"True, she is far more likely to be the girl then Lily or Chantel. Did you have anyone else in mind?"

"Just Ryan's ex-girlfriend Jennifer Campbell. But she was a bitch to all the waiters when we would go out, so she's kind of out."

"Well she may have been trying to hide fact that she is one herself."

"Ya but she's from a rich family. She doesn't need a job."

"Actually, she isn't that rich, her father started gambling two years ago and they've been losing quite a bit of money."

"How do you know this?" Alexander looked at her surprised.

"Helena mentioned that at one of her afternoon tea last summer. That was a pain in the ass to make."

"Damn, you're like Sherlock. Do you know that much about everyone? How about me?" Alexander asked, a little nervous. How much did she know about him? Was there anything really humiliating? Did she know about the Plan they made for the Halloween party?

"No really. I know a little about everyone but it's usually boring intel such as people's grades, and the common gossip from other students or from Helena. You. I don't know that much. It's pretty much only what other students say or what Pricilla is saying at home."

The mention of Pricilla made both of them fall silent. Alexander was still angry at her and decided to never get back with her. He had grown tired of her and was going to be a free man for a little while. Living the single life.

"Well you're probably going to hear not so nice comments about me from now on."

Luna looked at him with one eyebrow raised, incomprehension visible on her face.

Not Quite A Cinderella Story   *WAS DROPPED*Where stories live. Discover now