Chapter 13

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Luna was forced to wait on Helena and a few of the other women from the neighborhood. They were gossiping about trivial matters and Luna wanted to stuff their mouths with the dumb pastries and hors-d'oeuvres on the plate she was passing around. It was pointless since no one was eating, claiming that they were not hungry when she knew it was because eating at one of these little events was a big faux-pas. All of them were checking their weight and eating was not acceptable. She thought it was ridiculous and would have gladly eaten them in her room, but no, she had to stay there and listen to the useless chatter. She really wanted to see Alex's response to her great news but it would have to wait. She was just glad Pricilla didn't see it.

After an hour, Luna was told to leave and she gladly rushed to her room and jumped on her bed. She saw Alex's message and laughed. She sent a quick reply and went to Patricia's room to tell her the good news.

* * * * * * * *

Alexander was in his room and decided to message Raven to know if he needed to bring anything. He wasn't sure what her reply was going to be like since they weren't very close and they only talked about the costumes but gave it a shot.

Alex: "Hey, about this weekend, is there something I need to bring?"

A minute later, there was a reply.


Alex: "Ok... Any particular suggestions?"

Raven: "NO KALE!!!"

Alex: "Wasn't planning on bringing any."

Raven: "No healthy stuff. Got to go."

And Raven was offline. Alex was about to close his Facebook when a message from Luna appeared.

Luna: "Tell me about it. She'd find a way to lock me in my room and throw away the key, or maybe her head would explode. I personally prefer the second option."

Alex: "So would I."

* * * * * * * *

Pricilla was pacing in her room, thinking of the perfect way to prevent Luna from going to the game on Friday. Telling Helena wouldn't do much since she would be out so she needed to find a way on her own. She needed a plan that would prevent Luna from going and that would make others not worry about her absence. Locking her in the basement was her first idea but that wouldn't work. Patricia would find her and locking Luna in the basement would be pretty hard to do. Plus, she would have her phone. Luna wouldn't let Pricilla boss her around if Helena wasn't there so giving her chores wouldn't stop her from going to the game.

Pacing in her room long and wide, Pricilla tried to get a good idea but all her plans were easily dismissed. She usually had others to think for her or she would just go to her mother and have her solve her problem but this time, she was on her own. She considered having Luna swallow a sleeping pill but couldn't find a situation where she would be able to get her to do so. She didn't cook and if she did, Luna would be suspicious. Putting it in a drink wouldn't work either since Pricilla wasn't the type to offer anything to someone, even less to Luna. She started to realise that her attitude made this kind of situation harder to deal with. Then again, if she didn't hate Luna, she wouldn't be potting a revenge.

On the verge of giving up, Pricilla threw herself on her queen size bed when a text message came up on her phone. It was Bruce from the football team. She had been hooking up with him for a while even when she was still with Alex but had kept it on the down low.

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