Chapter 12

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The car had stopped in front of Luna's house and Alexander was about to wish Luna a goodnight when he realised that she was fast asleep. Her head was leaning against the window, her eyes were close and she wore a serene expression. A streak of hair had fallen over her face and Alexander leaned over to brush it away. As his hand reached the hair, Luna abruptly woke up, head-butting his on the side. Both let out a cry of pain and started to rub the sore spot. Luna turned to face him with a confused look.

"What happened?"

"You had hair in your face so I was going to tuck it back, but you woke up. Damn your head is hard."

"Mine?! You nearly fractured my skull! I probably have a concussion now!"

Both fell silent and looked at each other with an irked look. A few seconds past and both cracked up laughing. It was a little reminder of their days as enemies and they realised that most of their arguments were trivial matters or linked to someone else's opinion and not a personal reason.

Luna punched Alexander in the shoulder before opening the car door and running out of the car, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Payback sucker!" She said before closing the front door and closing the porch light.

Alex smiled while rubbing his slightly sore arm before rolling his eyes and driving back home.

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Luna was back in her room with Patricia, messaging Raven about the costumes, when Alexander's icon popped up.

Alex: "I drive you back home and I get a bruised head and arm. I'm hurt. Literally."

Luna: "You big baby. Even I'm over the head-butt and I didn't punch you that hard. Isn't getting tackled during a football match way worse?"

Alex: "I have padding and a helmet! Anyways, you hit harder than most guys on the team."

Luna: "No wonder our team isn't doing so great :P"

Alex: "I take offense of that remark, I've been suspended (because of a certain someone, that I shall not name... LIAM) but the team still managed to win the last two matches."

Luna: "See three games isn't the end of the world."

Alex: "Close, we became friends. That was almost a sign of the world ending."

Luna: "True, but froyo saved the day and allowed mankind to keep on living. Such a magical creation."

Alex: "You really are obsessed."

Luna: "Yup and not ashamed to say so. Btw, are you coming over to Raven's place this weekend to work on the costumes? We could work on the art essay there."

Alex: "Works for me but I have a practice on Friday since I'm going to play next week. Btw you need to come once I'm back in the game."

Luna: "Can't. Helena would never let me."

Alex: "But you're going to the party!"

Luna: "Cuz Patricia managed to convince her that she would feel safer with me there."

Alex: "Well you are tuff enough. Still have bruises btw from tonight."

Luna: "Cry me a river. See you tomorrow and don't forget about this week-end."

Not Quite A Cinderella Story   *WAS DROPPED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora