Chapter 8

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Luna cursed herself for making eye contact with him. If she didn't, he would have left and she would be able to go back to work. She was missing very good tips tonight and instead, here she was in a froyo store, sitting across the very guy she didn't want to see.

"Hey, fancy meeting you here!" He said, a grin on his face.

"Ya. Great," She mumbled under her breath.

"What? Not happy to see me?"

"Of course not, I'm thrilled to see the guy who won't stop annoying me and whom I spent all week hiding from."

"Good. If you had, I would have felt the need to leave." He said in a naïve tone, clearly ignoring the sarcasm in her remark.

Luna cursed and a mother who was walking by glared at her when her little boy started to repeat it.

"Good job. Your corrupting the youth." Alexander said.

Luna was about to ripe his head off and throw it in the garbage bin but instead crushed her froyo cup, spilling all of it on the table. Alexander laughed at her as she was cleaning up the mess. His previous anger was gone. For once, he had managed to break her patience and that made him extremely happy. Feeling generous he said:

"Fine. I'll get you another one since I clearly caused you to ruin yours. So which one do you want?"

"None thanks." Luna said before getting up. Before she could walk away, Alex grabbed her arm and dragged her to the machine.

"Tell me or I'll put all the flavours, and shove it all down your throat."

"I don't want any." She said while trying to free her arm. She even was about to grab his arm and hurt him like in the principal's office, but Alex was expecting it and grabbed both her hands and said:

"Tell me. You have five seconds. 1-2-3-4..."

"Fine. I'll do it."

He released her and she started to fill her cup with lime and bloody orange sherbet and lychee froyo.

"Wow, even your choice of ice cream is bitter."

"It's frozen yogurt, not ice cream." Luna corrected him.

"Whatever. So which should I get?"

"Whatever you want. Can't you even decide that on your own?"

"I've never been in one of these. Not exactly my scene."

"Get whatever." She then started to walk away.

"Hey wait."

"I'm going to the topping section."

"But I don't know what to choose."

"Do you like chocolate?"

"Ya, who doesn't?"

"I don't. Anyways, get chocolate. See problem solved."

"WHAT?! You don't like chocolate? You really are weird."

Luna rolled her eyes and walked to the topping counter, while Alexander decided to take Dutch chocolate, vanilla bean, s'mores and birthday cake froyo. His cup was full and when he walked to the topping counter, Luna looked at his cup with round eyes. She had added a few marshmallows and a few gummy bears.

"You are aware that you pay depending on the weight of the cup right?"

"Who cares? I wanted to try them, they sound good. Plus, money isn't a problem."

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