[Chapter 2] Three Are Already Gone

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     There it was, that bad feeling again. . . . At this point, I didn't care. . . what was the point of it all? The cycle is endless so I might as well give up there and then. So, I continued telling puns until closing time. This time was different though, this time, Grillby stopped me in my tracks. "G-grillbz?" "Sans, are you okay?" "H-huh?" "You look. . .-" "Grillbz, I'm fine alright?" ". . . . If you say so. . . ." Grillby looked hesitant as he let go of Sans' shoulder.

        Dust groaned in irritation as he killed another Loox. He killed Froggit, Mad Dummy, now he just need to kill Napstablook. "Hey GP." "YES SANS?" "I know something that's different about our-" "SANS!" "compared to here, it's in complete-" "SANS I SWEAR!" "ruins.~" "SAAAAANZ!" I chuckled a bit as GP seemed to screech like a banshee. My eyes then grew hooded as I yawned. "WE NEED TO HURRY BEFORE YOU FALL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!" "Yeah, you're right. . ." I agreed as I saw a ghost with a smile. "GP, ready?" There it was again, GP seemed to go crazy as if he was imagining the death of Napstablook already. "READY."

        As Sans (Undertale Sans) opened the door, he met a furious tall skeleton. "BROTHER YOU ARE HOME LATE ONCE AGAIN!" The tall one screeched at the shorter one. "Hehe, sorry bro. . . lost track of time." "REMIND ME TO BUY YOU A WATCH BROTHER!" Papyrus fummed as he stormed to his room. "DINNER IS ON THE TABLE IF YOU'RE HUNGRY!" He screamed before shutting his door. I chuckled as I knew that he wasn't going to be able to sleep yet. My smile soon faded as tiredness struck me. It was pretty late. . . I rubbed my skull as I walked into Papyrus's room to read him his bedtime story.

      I closed the book as I put it back on the shelf. Then, I stretched as I silently closed the door. My mind started drifting off as I plopped down on my bed. Who was gonna die this time? Who would be the killer? Will it restart quickly? Mostly, how would all of this end? Bad or Neutral. . . for me, those were always the only two options and directions the routes could go. With one final yawn, I fell asleep, hoping I got into some proper night clothes so I wouldn't have to deal with a lecture from Paps.

       Dust followed Toriel through the halls to the guest room. "Hey where's the kiddo Tori?" He asked her as he looked around. "Oh the child is at a sleepover with Alphys and Undyne. " "So it's just you and me?" "Yes, why do you ask?" 

       "Just curious." I lied as I entered the room and closed the door. Anticipation was tingling my bones as I was eager to get this over with. "NO BROTHER, FIRST, YOU SLEEP." "Fine." I sighed, finding that I wouldn't win the arguement. . . so I went to sleep, when I awoke, I smelled a delicious scent wafting from the kitchen. Obviously, GP was awake and curious to find the source. So, we followed the scent, which appeared to be pie. I smiled as I realized Tori hasn't noticed me. Tears did threaten to fall has Papyrus whispered 'DO IT' into where my ear would be. "Hey Tori." "Sa-" "THINK FAST!" I laughed as bones shot out and my knife sliced.

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