[Chapter 12] A Classic Day in the Underground

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My grin was wide as I heard Dust let out a surprised scream of some sort. The scream lasted for only one or two seconds. It was still a scream none the less. This scream of his told me he found the 'present'. I let out a sigh of relief as I laid down, my bonelids (their 'eyelids' shall now be called bonelids with meh writing) closing as I drowsed off.

I was awakened by a call from my brother, Papy. "Yeah bro?" I answered once I picked up the call. "BROTHER, IT IS NEARLY ONE AND YOU'RE STILL NOT BACK?" Hehehe, really? Well sorry bro, I'll be there soon." And with no second thoughts I said bye to him and hung up. My attention turned towards the stairs, Dust was crawling down them. Heh, cute.

I jumped a little when I saw a camera flash at the corner of my 'eye'. It seemed to have came from Classic's direction. Then, he teleported in front of me with his hand extended. Before I could even take it, he hauled me up swiftly and started carrying me downstairs. This was all happening so fast his movement's were strong, swift, fast- and I'm being delusional. What is this? A fairytale!?!

When we got to the couch he helped me sit down gently. I could've sworn he 'kissed' my skull once I was sat down. "Hey Dust." He started. "Yeah?" "I got ya some crutches!" Classic announced happily and proudly. Honestly, he seemed off today usually he would seem slightly nervous or something around me. Right now, he was just really trying to stay around me. It was so odd.

After Dust accepted the crutches and thanked me for them; my grin grew so wide it seemed impossible. Dust seemed to be really nervous, I wonder why? Oh well, all that mattered was that he was in my care. No one else's. No ones.

Murdered Love [A Dusttale x Undertale Sanscest Story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang