[Chapter 10]- Huh?

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     My eyes were slow in opening. It was the sound of my door that awakened me. I looked to my side, seeing GP worried and a bit scared. That sight caused my eyes to jolt open. And I sprang to my legs, only to scream at a piercing pain in my 'feet'.

     "BROTHER, DON'T DO THAT!" Said GP in destress as he set me on the couch. I sighed as I realized I wasn't going anywhere for awhile. But here's something odd,  on the weird news channel. It announced certain targets of mine dead. I growled as I realized I wasn't getting those supplies after all.

     How much sleep did I get before I was woken up for the second time? 2 hours maybe. Or 3, 4, . . . 5? I don't know to be honest. Well anyway,  I slowly opened my eyes as I groaned. As I looked from side to side,  I saw what- we'll who, awoke me from my sleep. Sitting on my left was Classic, at his feet was a bag of items. All I could do was wonder what was in that bag.

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