Not anymore

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Sollux stood dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Karkat Vantas his best friend and partner in crime during high school, Nepeta Lejion his bubbly cat like childhood friend, and finally Eridan Ampora. The boy Sollux had bullied from the beginning of kindergarten to the end of middle school. After that Eridan left to attend school over seas.

But none of that matters right now. What matters is the fact that these three people stood at a protest against Gemini Technologies newest agency. They stood together like they were the best of friends.

'but that'2 iimpo22iible those two hate Ampora2 gut2'  Sollux thought to himself. 'riight?'.

Nepeta had on her olive green tank top and ripped jeans with black black fingerless gloves upon her hands. Karkat had grown from his angry, short, sweater wearing self. To a tall male in a red flannel, a cancer T-shirt beneath, and a pair of jeans. Finally there was Eridan who hadn't grown significantly so he maintained a petit physique. He had always had a very femine body structure; his skin was a pale tan and unblemished, with the exception of the freckles scattered across his face. His eyes where the most stunning violet Sollux had ever seen, yet they were often hidden behind those thick glasses Sollux had destroyed several times just to see those eyes. Eridan was shorter than Karkat and wore a pair of jeans with a simple black T-shirt, converses, and a violet jacket that was at the least two sizes too big. He seemed less hostile around Nepeta and Karkat.

Nepeta punched Eridans shoulder gently, effectively gaining his full attention.

" How was the movie marathon with lord stick up his ass?" She teased, Eridan chuckled and punched her arm back.

" I havve to admit, it wwas betta than expected, kitten" he joked wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Sollux had seen enough and stomped over to them.

"Eriidan" he growled yanking the smaller away from his friends and turning him around to face him.

"S-Sol?" Eridan eyes were filled with suprise and confusion, but also fear Sollux hated that look.

"When you left the country you left a note 2ayiing that you had alway2 loved me ii2 that true?" Sollux asked, Eridans eyes softend.

'no! ii don't want to 2ee piity iin tho2e eye2!'.Solluxs train of thought was cut off by Eridan cupping his cheak

"I'vve said a lot of things in my life but I ment it wwhen I said that" Eridans voice was soft and calming.

"But not anymore." Eridan said quietly snatching his hand away. Sollux stood there as Eridan walked back to Nepeta and Karkat

"Who was that?"Karkat questioned.

"No one important" Eridan stated a sad look in his eyes as the trio walked away.

"ii loved you two Eridan" Sollux whispered, all too aware that the other could not hear him and would never want to.

EriSol oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon