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“Start the fuckin’ movvie, Sol.” Eridan called from the kitchen before plopping down next to Sollux on the couch with a giant bowl of popcorn. He held it in his lap, showing no intention of sharing.

Sollux just rolled his eyes and continued scrolling through Netflix until he found the movie that Eridan was apparently ‘dying to see’.

“I’m getting there, Jesus fuck.” He started the movie, rubbing his nose. His nose had been stinging since Eridan arrived wearing all of that dumb hair gel, but Sollux didn’t think anything of it.

As the movie started, the sting in Sollux’s nose turned into a very annoying tickle. He slowly sat up and turned away from Eridan “Hih…hih-TSCHiew!

The sudden sneeze caused Eridan to jump. “Wwha-“

Hatschiew!…hih-tschiew!” as soon as it ended Sollux took a deep breath and rubbed his nose, coughing a little afterward.

“Are you-”

hih-hetchew! Fuck!” He pinched his nose shut for a few seconds to make any other tickle go away. “I’m fine.” he mumbled, clearing his throat.

Thankfully the sneezing had stopped, but by that point, his nose was running and he was sniffling constantly. Eridan offered him a handkerchief (Surprise, surprise, it was purple like every other fucking thing he owned.) and Sollux gratefully accepted it blew his nose.

He sighed, letting his head fall on Eridan’s shoulder. The movie was a piece of shit, but Eridan was comfy and warm so who really cared.

It wasn’t until ten minutes later that Sollux started sneezing again. And when those ended, the coughing began, worse than before. Every minute he was turning away to cough and the sound would make Eridan wince each time. Eridan didn’t get really worried until Sollux’s first full-blown coughing fit.

“Sol?!” Eridan sat up and started to rub Sollux’s back. That was all he could think to do at the moment.

As soon as Sollux caught his breath, he looked at Eridan with watery, red rimmed eyes.

Eridan expected him to say something, but instead Sollux snapped forward, sneezing again “Hhhh … Hatschiew! Tchew! Snf snf!”

Eridan felt so helpless in the situation and he didn’t know what was wrong. While Sollux was hunched over, most likely awaiting another cough or sneeze, Eridan plucked his handkerchief out of Sollux’s hand and used it to carefully wipe the guy’s eyes and nose.

Sollux sniffled and ran his hand along the underside of his nose before rubbing his eyes. He coughed into the crook of his arm and turned to Eridan.

“Never wear that hair gel to my house again.” 

Eridan let out a quiet laugh and stood up"I'll go wash it out then you pityful asshole".He walked to the bathroom and shut the door the faint sound of water running was heard threw the apartment.Sollux sniffed"dumbass"
"I heard that!"eridan yelled over the water.
Sollux rolled his eyes grabbing the controller and logging off Netflix;opting to open up his Minecraft acount instead.

Eridan walked out of the bathroom in one of Sollux's shirts.It draped over his thighs like a dress."I smell like you"Eridan gagged sitting back down.Sollux glanced at the other boy"look I'm sorry I snapped at you".Eridan raised a brow in a questioning manor"whatever Captor it doesn't bother me as long as your not shooting snot rockets everywhere I'm fine" Eridan stated laying his head onto Sollux's sholder.

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