The Prince and the Pauper

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trigger warning:#slightly obbsesive behavior

"Hey Eri your on in ten"the stage manager stated.Eridan gave a hum of acknowledgment walking out to the back stage while adjusting his black vest and rolling up the sleeves of his dark purple button up.He looked out of a crack in the curtain.Thousands of fans shouts and screams filled the arena but one particular person stood out amongst the crowd.He stood right infront of the stage his hoodie shadowing his face.His shoulders were slumped but he was tapping his foot impatiently.Eridan was yanked away from the curtain by vriska."come on this is no time to be getting cold feet princess."she said pulling him back and placing a black fadora on his head.

the two looked up as the announcer came on the speaker."And welcome now the main event get ready to emerse yourselfs in the sweet heartache that is lovers in the graveyard!"

"et's get out there and make em love us!"Aradia cheered while twirling her drum sticks.the girls ran out onto the dark stage getting into place.The crowd went silent.

Eridan walked out onto stage.His shoes clicking on the hardwood,as he took his place at the microphone.

Aradia nodded to the other members of the band and raised her drumsticks above her head."we are lovers in the gaveyard!ONE,TWO,THREE, FOUR!"croud erupted with cheers of excitement as the music began to play.

Black sheep, come home
Black sheep, come home
Black sheep, come home

The boy at the front of the crowd lowered his hood, Reveiling his bi-colored eyes and bright blush.Eridan smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear as he sung.Looking directly at the boy

Hello again, friend of a friend
I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip
Shape-shift and trick
The past again

I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up every time
Everyone, ooh
Pulls away, ooh
From you

the other male's smile seemed to grow only wider as eridan kneeled down. Placing his fadora onto the others head,before standing up to sing the next verse.

Got balls of steel
Got an automobile for a minimum wage
Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outer space
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip
Shape-shift and trick
The past again

I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up every time
Everyone, ooh
Pulls away, ooh

It's a mechanical bull at number one
You'll take a ride from anyone
Everyone wants a ride
Pulls away, ooh
From you

The lights went down.the croud screamed for more,as the band hurried off stage.


Sollux grinned all the way back to his house.He couldn't get the image of the beautiful gem that was Eridan Ampora out of his head.Sollux must have been Eridan's biggest fanboy as much as He hated being called that.He loved eridan with all his heart,but he despised him aswell.How eridan smiled at others.That horrible fake smile.Putting on the disgusting mask to hide what he thought no one wanted.Sollux knew what eridan was really like.Sollux knew eridan better than anyone else.

And yet eridan didnt even remember him.

Sollux clutched the fedora in his hands"god damn you ED."he growled vivid memories of the singer flashing threw his mind.

"u-um sol"eridan stutterd
"oh hey Ed what's up?"Sollux asked. "i-the girls and I are leavin to go on tour and well I wanted to give you this."eridan handed him a note with a small heart sticker before running off.

"every song I sing is dedicated to you"the note read.Sollux smirked and wrote something on the back of the note walking off to stick it onto Eridan's locker

"then keep shining like the star you are my gem"

(endof flashback)

"oh eri your tour may be coming to a end earlier than expected"Sollux chuckled darkly

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