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The siren purses his thin pale lips and looks up and down at Sollux. He was reluctant, but he had no other choice. He raised his arms and he looks up at Sollux. A laugh escapes the naga's lips unexpectedly, and Eridan scowls at him, eyes going to slits as the other picked him up. His tail his slim and sleek to the touch, heavy as well. the thing ripples under Sollux's touch and goes lip when he's finally secure in hi arms. It was an experienced similar to holding a princess or a bride.He wrapped an arm around Sollux's neck as he carried the violetblood through the forestry. He looked around, eyebrows furrowing at everything he sees. Eridan only looks silently, and Sollux watches him most of the time, each of his expressions are probably the cutest things he's ever seen really. They reach a rough patch and Sollux adjusted the siren a bit so he'd more secure before carrying him bridal style there the area. He doesn't speak much as Sollux slithers through the lush green plant life.While Sollux was trying to think of where to put him.He knew he couldn't keep him outside of his territory because it would attract unnecessary attention. The was always the pond near the flower beds...


Sollux came to terms with the idea that he was not chilling for a couple weeks.


Years-- okay don't get carried away you desperate son of a bitch.

You just got lucky.His mind scolded him.

Eridan gave him a look and his brows furrowed as Sollux took a sharp turn.


"Wwhere are you takin' me noww? Are you plannin' on eatin' me!?" Holy shit this guy must either be a really good actor or he must actually believe Sollux was  going to eat him.Sollux burst out laughing at that, stopping at the shore of the pond to catch his breath. 

"Are you 2hiittiing me fii2h face--"


"Yeah, whatever," The sea dweller snarls at that and Sollux chuckled quietly, though that noise was so fucking sexy dear god. "The only thiing dangerou2 iin my territory ii2 me, okay? Don't go out2iide of here and you should be ju2t fiine." The way he expresses his confusion,then fear is delightful,It's priceless. Sollux groaned a bit and Eridan held onto his neck, attemting to lighten his load, thankfully. Sollux felt his gaze as you hold him near the water and loosen his hold  he stares down at the water but he looks away quickly as Sollux glanced back at him. Fuck he's gorgeous... hep has a godamn siren in his pond.

No mermaid, no dolphin, no seahorse. 

A siren, whatever the fuck that is, Sollux wasn't quite sure if it wamms good or bad, but it's not neutral, that's for sure.

Sollux loosen his grip a little more his tail dipping into the cool water. It reeks of flowers and it was weird; even Eridan is a little surprised. He smelled the air so much Sollux could hear him. Like a dog trying to get his bearings. It is really funny how his gills got into it as well, fanning out, and you could see all the intricate webbing on the inside. Why is this son of a bitch so jaw droppingly fascinating?

Sollux slowly lowers the creature into the water, and watches as he dives into the water, and he's gone again. The naga sighs and waits by the edge of the water, dipping the end of his tail in and watching the fish boy in the clear water as he explored his temporary home. Eridan surfaces on the other side of the pond, and it's gorgeous. He gasped in a fashion that Sollux classified as inappropriate but welcomed and Eridan tipped his head back, whipping his flawless dark curls into place like gel. It does wonders to Sollux's bulge and he hates it. He swims over to the shore, his horns sticking out of the water. The sea creature props his arms on a rock and looks up at Sollux with those violet eyes, a grin on his face.

"What? Merpeople don't know how to 2ay thank2?"

"Siren, and thanks, Sol."

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, say my name again." Sollux smirked.






Sollux laughs and rest back on the grass again. Holy shit this guy gave him the giggles. "Wwhat? Wwhat's so funny?" He shook his head,laughing softly. "Nothing, it just 2ound2 really weird, because Sollux is a full word ." Eridan has that adorable confused look, and he squints at you. "I am sayin' it correctly,Sol."

Sollux gave him a slow clap for his efforts and he splashes water onto you. "Hey! Don't 2pla2h your 2aviiour!" Sollux laughed, and Eridan grabbed hold of his wrists pulling him in and Sollux let him, feeling his sences being blurred by water and the fingers of the creature holding him. As Sollux's breath rans short he swam up to the top to grab some air, but Eridan already had Sollux by his shoulders.The siren pressed a kiss to his lips and Sollux could feel himself go lightheaded. A kiss from a mermaid--siren. There is nothing better than this, Sollux swore by it. He brought Sollux up, and the naga gasped, breathing heavily. The sea creature is on his other side and he looks at Sollux with a grin. "Wwhat did it not wwork?" 

Sollux coughs again and looks at him with bleary eyes. "Wh--?" 

"Air sharing! It didn't wwork? Sorry Imma bit rusty-" "Fii2h face what the hell ii2 coming from your flappiing fii2h liip2?" Sollux grumbles, and then both hands are on his face and Eridan gave him an open mouth kiss, though it isn't one... it's weird and Sollux felt his breath fill in his lungs again, and it's exchanged with Eridans, and the Sollux realized what he meant. His hands are still placed firmly on Sollux's face as he pulls away, breathing easily. "See?" Sollux nodded wearily and gluped, looking at him with a bit of a dazed look, and he can see, guilt immediately. 

Sollux could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks in surprise and arousal, panting a bit still and closing His eyes. Eridan called his name and Sollux looked at him. "You okay?" Nodding, he sighed softly and get out the water, letting the sun dry him off.

"Enough about me, fii2hy face-"


"Let'2 talk about you." 

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