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Your name is Eridan Ampora.You are a maid at the exclusive Tres Spades hotel, the first casino resort in New York which hosts the richest and most powerful people in the world.

An international convention at the Tres Spades attracts many rich and powerful attendees from around the world.  They gather to meet, to party, to see and be seen.  Behind the scenes, though, it’s a very different story. The depths of the hotel, you discover the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party...and you have learned too much about the Hotel’s Secrets. What will happen after you fall down the rabbit hole?

You are given a choice of someone to watch over you, making sure secrets stay silent.

Sollux Captor: The Cold-Hearted Millionaire

Dave Strider: The Cool Mobster

Jake English: The Womanizing Thief

Gamzee Makara: The Drug Lord

Karkat Vantas: The Slacker Detective

Each of these men help you and all of them are criminals in their own right,but only one can heal your mind and steal your heart.

"Eridan I need y0u t0 play cute waiter with drinks f0r the gala t0night"Aradia stated"going out wwith Equius again?"Eridan teased"can y0u c0ver my shift 0r what?"she asked"yeah howw hard can it possible  be?"he joked"thank y0u eridan y0ur a lifesaver"she gushed running out.Eridan smiled.At the hotel's lobby there's a crowd of reporters and onlookers when the rich and famous people begin arriving. Aradia then points out "The King" and when Eridan got a glimpse of him he saw that he was surrounded by very famous people.His name Sollux. People start pushing through and end up knocking  Eridan towards a fall, but Sollux caught him; their eyes met for a split second and a jolt of electricity ran threw Eridan's heart however, Sollux smirked and dropped Eridan on the floor without a care.

Eridan was dragged out of the croud and was scolded by Vriska, the VIP maid, for embarrassing himself in front of Sollux. Eventually, she ordered him to deliver the special gift boxes to the VIPs. He did as he was told and headed for the elevator when he saw a man and a woman arguing. The woman angrily throws her masquerade mask to the floor and breaks up with the man. Strangely, the man is not shaken by the sudden turn of events and simply comments on how he doesn't have a date now. He looks up and their eyes meet; Eridan quickly averted his gaze finding the wall to be much more intresting to look at, but he ends up talking to Eridan anyway and drags the poor boy onto the elevator with him.

The man flirts with Eridan a bit and even lifts his chin towards his face to make eridan look at him. The elevator then reaches at the I.V.C. party floor. Eridan was so dazzled by the rich and famous that he didn't even realize that the man who brought him here in the first place is gone. he tryed looking for him when suddenly a young man calls out to him.

Eridan apologized for his rudeness and proceed to fetch him a drink. He laughs at Eridan and mentions that you look like Alice in Wonderland, completely dazzled by the place. He then goes elsewhere. Eridan tryed to leave, but he was stopped by a sleazy man who grabed Eridan's arm and wraps his arm around Eridans waist when Sollux appeard. He glared at the two of them"move"he growled and Eridan did as he was told. The creepy man apologizes in fear and ran away. It turns out that Sollux was the owner of Tres Spades.

Sollux walked away with women in tow,Eridan noticed a white glove on the floor. he picked it up assuming it belonged to Sollux and he decide to try to give it back to him.

As he attempted to follow him, he approach a hallway with several doors. Eridan looked around to locate the one Sollux entered, and Eridan noticed a large door that was left ajar. He peeked inside and saw briefcases with money and guns. Suddenly, a man roughly pulls Eridan's arm and pinned him to the hallway wall."why you're here"he asked and eridan shrunk down trembling beneath his piercing gaze."I suggest you forget what he saw or face death"the man orderd; eridan immediately agreed to it and fled when the man finally lets go of him.

Eridan ended up in a storage room he walked back in confustion and slight fear.bumping into a table a loud crash broke the silence of the room it was caused by a million dollar statue. This glass statue was a gift from the President of France to D.C. and was stolen from a museum a few days ago.
"o-oh I'm sorry i-i"eridan stutters as two people approached him."shut it!"one of them bellowed the other grabbing Eridan's arm."he's quite the looker bet he'll fetch an even prettier price"the man stated.Eridan was then forced into a giant cage and pulled into the stage to be sold to the bidding audience.

One of the interested bidders is the man who had harassed him at the I.V.C. party; fortunately (or unfortunately), Eridan is sold to someone else for $20 million.Eridan's cage is then carried off the stage, where he is forced out and escorted by two masked men that have come to retrieve him.Eridan was then taken to the hotel penthouse.

It turns out that the men lounging in the penthouse, including Sollux, were the ones who bought you. The man who had threatened to take your life (Dave Strider) is also there and is second-in-command of a triad all over the country. The Russian Drug lord(Gamzee Makara) and master thief (Jake English) are also present."As a person I shouldn't havve been up for auction!"Eridan growled.The group dismissed him and continued their discussion. From this,Eridan learned that the auctions are more specifically a black market auction, where anything and everything imaginable could be sold and bought.He also learn that although the auctions involve clearly illegal affairs, Sollux had willingly approved of their creation and operation.

The group of men begin to decide who gets Eridan , "i'll report this business to the police"he exclaimed.His threat however goes in vain, as there is an actual cop among the men; however, he's completely different from Eridan's expectations with his frustrated and generally uninterested demeanor.

Eridan has a hard time choosing and Sollux ends up selecting himself instead. He picks Eridan up and carries him over his shoulder. He walks up the stairs "He'S vErY iMpAtIeNt" Gamzee states"GZ do you play wiith your toy2 untiil they break?"Sollux asks"If iM vErY fOnD oF iT I WoNt AnD i WoUld TaKe GoOd MoThErFuCkInG cArE oF tHeM"."I am not a toy!"Eridan yelled Sollux have him aside glance and said"iit2 the same thiing". Sollux shuts him up and reminds him coldly "you're not allowed two 2peak without permii22iion". Eridan freezed and Sollux continued up the stairs.Eridan heard Dave say something"Too bad for him Sollux can't be reasoned with once he's decided on something".

Sollux took Eridan into a room and threws him onto the bed.Eridan yelled at him"wwhat's wwrong wwith-"but he quickly clamp his mouth shut because eridan knew the rules: no talking back,it was simple to remember what Sollux had said. He looked down at his pet with a cold glare. Eridan glared back"this is pathetic and disgusting"
Eridan hissed and Sollux growled"let me remiind you that you're not allowed two have any 2ay iin the matter becau2e II bought you,II can do anything II want wiith you". Eridan could see that Sollux was very handsome but his cruel smile  was harsh and extremely penetrating.Sollux snapped his fingers"undress"he orderd eridan looked down in shame before following the mans orders.Sollux let out a small gasp"2tand up"he said and eridan did as he was told.Sollux walked over to his new toy grabbing hold of his wrist causing the other to hiss in pain.solluxs eyes softend slightly"you look beautiful"he coo'd kissing the rope burns.Eridan blushed unaware of his tears
"p-please stop"he let out a shakey sigh"m-master i-im sorry just,please I don't wwant this"Eridan sobbed.Sollux let out a laugh kissing away Eridan's tears"aww my toy ii2 2cared"his eyes darkened"II don't care eriidan,not one biit"

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