holiday special

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(A/N it's 2 in the morning enjoy my gift to you guys its really shitty and I'm pretty danm sure half of it doesn't make sense)

Sollux was bored.He was in a mall with his brother and dad looking for preasents.His phone was dying,his ear buds were broken,and he was freezing his ass off.

"thii2 ii2 liiterally hell"he mutters"watch your language 2ollux!"psiioniic snapped.Sollux rolled his eyes walking over to sit at a random bench near the malls Christmas tree.Watching the various employee's and volunteers decorate the area."oh the holiiday 2ea2on a tiime for capiitalii2m and extortiion"Sollux mutterd."I couldn't havve said it better myself"someone whisperd in his ear.Sollux turned his head abruptly to meet a pair of violet blue eyes"you"he hissed.Eridan stood back up strait"yeah it's me,mind if I sit here?"he questioned gesturing to the place next to Sollux."what the fuck kiind of que2tiion ii2 that?ofcor2e II miind"Eridan rolled his eyes plopping down next to the computer geek."thanks for the spot"he teased crossing his legs and taking a sip from his drink."II bet that2 not coffee you weak hiip2ter a22hole"Sollux grumbles glaring at the egotistical douche.Eridan strugged"coffee's bad for you anywways dumbass"he stated taking another sip from his drink.

"isn't it beautiful"eridan sighed his gaze fixed on the decorations in a sense of childlike awe.Sollux's cheaks flushed"yeah II gue22".'what the actual fuck why ii2 he not beiing a2 much of a priick a2 he u2ually ii2'sollux thought.His hand reached up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind Eridan's ear.The other looked at him in surprise before smiling"you havve questions I can tell" he stated turning his attention back to the decor.

"why are you actiing 2o...not you?ii mean iit'2 you but not normal you"eridan sighed"god,for someone so smart you think you wwould figure it out.wwe're not at school or around anyone that matters,so I don't havve to keep up apperances"Eridan explained.He stood up,threw his cup in the trash,and started walking away.Sollux ran after him framing the formers wrist"2o you mean to tell me that all the fuckery you pull at 2chool ii2 all ju2t a crap ton of liie2 and bull2hiit"

Eridan nodded"pretty much"

"so you've been doiing thii2 for how long"Sollux fumed dragging eridan to a secluded part of the mall."since my freshmen year"Eridan answers.Sollux pushed Eridan up aginst a wall"you 2iick fuck"he growled.

Eridan smirked tilting his head up"oh wwould you look at that mistletoe"he laughed.Sollux's grip tightend  slamming his lips to the others.

"Mmm hah s-sol"eridan moaned quietly pulling his hands free to tug on Sollux's hair."2hut up you 2lut"Sollux groaned lifting Eridan's legs to wrap around his waist.Sollux ripped Eridan's scarf off barrying his face into the crook of eridan's neck."s-sol not he-ere nhg"Eridan whisperd between breaths.Sollux glared up at the other"fiine then ii'll be at your place toniight to piick up my pre2ent"Sollux said dropping eridan in his ass be for walking away."don't forget to wrap it up with a pretty bow ED"Sollux coo'd walking to the front of the mall where his dad and mituna were waiting.

"where were you 2ollux"phiionic asked.Sollux smiled"nowhere important just bumped into a friend"he said.

"Y0U H4V3 FR13NDS!?"
Mituna shouted.

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