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(Gemstuck au has nothing to do with the actual series)

Pearls are rare.

Pearls are pretty.

Pearls are talented.

Pearls are a status symbol
Nothing more.

That's what Citron kept telling himself and yet he couldn't stop thinking about one in particular. It was not uncommon for a gem to want a Pearl,but Citron didn't want just any Pearl he wanted Pink Diamonds Pearl. The fusion didn't know why but something about the other made his insides burn with excitement. The Pearl had scoffed and turned away the moment they had first met,he stood tall and proud behind Pink Diamond reflecting her confidence and grace as well as her gentle nature at times. Citron wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. Yet he also wanted Pearlidan to look at him the same way they looked at their Diamond,with admiration and pride. He could settle for what he has though hidden moments with the pearl pressed against him whispering words of love and lust. But today seemed better than any of his previous encounters with the pearl. It was supposed to be a simple mission go to earth to record more data on the new colony,but nothing in his existence was simple was it?

A ruby soldier busted into the main deck where Citron and Fluorite were residing at the time

"Hey Fluorite look what we found" the obnoxious red gem stated proudly her comrades shoving another gem to the ground in front of the blue captains feet.

"Oh my,looks like we have a stowaway;you're a long ways away from Homeworld little pearl " she mused coyly bending down as her hand made its way under the pearls chin tilting his gaze upwards she was met with piercing violet eyes and a lilac gem placed on the others forehead.

"My my you are a lovely little thing. what would something like you 8e doing on my ship,little Pearl~"Fluorite coo'd her voice laced with an undertone of malicious intent. The Pearl's eyes darted over to Citron and back to Fluorite.

"Answer me Pearl" Fluorite growled grabbing hold of the pearls plum colored hair and tugging,the pearl let out a quiet whimper at the rough treatment.

"2top it Fluorite, you don't want two hurt thii2 one two much" Citron warned stepping towards the blue gem.

"And why not,fusion" she spat letting go of the pearls hair to turn and glare at the other.

"Well II don't think Piink Diiamond would appreciate her per2onal pearl two come back two her bruii2ed,battered,poofed,or 2hatterd ii2n't that riight Pearl?" The Pearl avoided his gaze and nodding his head in confirmation. Fluorite glared at Citron before stomping out of the deck the ruby squadron following behind her. Citron turned his attention back to the beauty that kneeled before him waiit, what? no he'2 pretty yeah 2ure but that was wow miind out of the gutter. The yellow fusion stretched his hand out to the pearl who in turn accepted the assistance placing his hand into the others for support as he pulled himself up off the ground. Citron Smirked and pulled the pearl closer wrapping an arm around the others waist. The pearl glared at him

"Now tell me Pearl why are you here?"Citron questioned .Pearl huffed looking away.

"My Diamond requested that i accompany you on your trip" He stated with all the formality that he used addressing anyone but The fusion in front of him. This did not sit well with said fusion so he decided to push his luck just a bit,he let go of the Pearls hand in favor of running it threw the others hair gently. Pearlidan ate up the small gesture of affection like a dog his eyes drooping as he let himself relax into Citrons hold while Citron carded his fingers threw the plum colored locks.

"Where wiill you be 2tayiing for the remaiinder of our voyage?ii doubt Fluoriite wiill give you a room"Citron spoke softly as if he was afraid he might scare the other away. Pearlidan looked up at the fusion with big violet eyes and in the sweetest voice he could he muster.

"May I stay with you Citron?"a bright yellow blush covered the fusions cheeks along with a sly grin.

"Of cour2e" Pearlidans face lit up significantly upon hearing those words Citron let out a chuckle releasing the pearl from his grasp and walking off. Pearlidan stared at him in confusion watching the other stop at the door and glance at him over his shoulder.

" Well,you comiin or not?" Citron teased causing a blush to explode onto the others cheek as he hurried to follow behind him. As soon as they made it into Citrons quarters the fusion had the pearl pinned to the nearest surface pressing hungry kisses to the others lips.

(Timeskip cus I'm too awkward to post smut)

Citron loved two things in particular about having Pearlidan all to himself. The first thing was the pearls voice when he spoke he commanded attention, when he sung even the strongest quartz soldiers would stop to listen, but Citrons favorite part about his pearls voice was the sounds he would only make for him,he sounds that poured from the pearls lips as Citron claimed him over and over again reminding the other of who he truly belonged to on nights like this one. The second thing that Citron loved about his pearl was how perfectly they had fit together the pearl had a dainty thin frame and slightly dipped waist a common form for something made to entertain and look pretty and Citron,he had a lean build  with a lanky frame and broad shoulders. When Pearlidan would lay his head on his chest after their little meetings, humming an indistinctive tune Citron couldn't help but think that this was how they were ment to be forever. That this pearl.


His pearl was ment to be by his side.

Pearlidan was made to serve Pink Diamond but the pearls  mind,his body,his heart,his entire being was made to belong to Citron and if the chance that he could take the pearl away ever arose he would gladly take that chance even if it ment being marked as a traitor to homeworld at least Citron would have his pearl.

His pearl.

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