Worth fighting for

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"come on chief  just come out already"
"promise you wwon't laugh cro"
"I promise"
"Aww Eri you look so cute! wwho's the cutest Prince in the wvorld,you are"

"hahaha cronus q-quit it haha"


"This is General Ampora of the Royal Fortune warship paging Prime Minister Fairens."Eridan grinned internally.This,this is what the next generation will see.The Empire striving for the peace and order that the rebels detest.The screen flicked to reveil a veridian blooded troll,his horns jagged and chipped.The Prime Minister's eyes widened slightly his jaw clenching in shock as he inspected the other.

Finally he spoke"This is Prime Minister Fairens hello General what can I do for you."Eridan smiled.

"A rebel flagship recently passed threw your system.All wwe ask is safe passage threww Albion to retrievve it wwith your aprovval of course Prime Minister,wwe wwould prefer to pass wwithout unnecessary conflict."Eridan stared at the screen before him awaiting the others response.Dualscar stood next to his charge.A stern glare placed on his face as Eridan talked his way out of their little predicament.

The Prime Minister stared in awe at the scene before him.A young highblood barely past his seventh sweep,wearing an imperial general's uniform.His eyes cold deep violet void of all the light and innocence most young trolls had.This..child couldn't have killed so many.No he wasn't responsible for all the death and suffering he was just another one of the Empires pets.Another one of her majesties pawns.

Eridan was good at reading people.The Prime Minister was no different,he was contemplating.Looking Eridan over with emotions Eridan knew all to well confliction,pity,disbelief.
Those types of emotions were useless in Eridans opinion.The Prime Minister came to his conclusion and glared down at Eridan.

"You're a child playing war games under a banner that has committed unspeakable crimes," Farens spat out harshly.Eridans face remained neutral and he let out a sigh.

"Wwell then sir you leavve me no choice but to continue my search by force.Goodbye and good luck sir,General Ampora signing out."And with that the screen went dark.

Eridan smiled and looked down at his crew"Boys,set a course threww Albion wwe're taking those Traitors dowwn!"Eridan ordered his eyes practically glowing with zeal.The crew smiled scurrying to their positions on deck.

"I'll be in the helm till further notice yell for me wwhen those idiots attemt to intercept us or we wwhen wwe find that flagship."Eridan smiled up at Dualscar.Dual smiled back giving Eridan a firm pat on the head.

"As you vwish Eri,ya
did good today so take a rest I can handle my owwn ship."Dualscar assured the younger.

"Sure you can dad"Eridan turned away and began walking to the lower parts of the ship.


Eridan weaved his way threw turning and twisting halls taking a path his body had long since memorized over the sweeps.The General stoped when he came face to face with a large iron door.A large grin formed on Eridan's lips as he pushed open the door.

"Hello agian,Captor"Eridan spat staring at the troll before him.Hung up by thousands of wires and cords that drained the yellowblood of his phiioniics,it truly was a pityful sight.

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