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Sollux stood in front of a metal table its silver surface shining under the florescent lighting of the room across from him sat Alternia's most wanted "You practiically handed your2elf over wiithout a fiight thiis tiime you've never let me catch you 2o ea2iily, what are you planning?" Sollux pried earning an arrogant chuckle from his prisoner.

"I'm not plannin' anyfin solly, maybe i just wwanted to sea you; but if your so suspicious of me howw aboat wwe skip the pleasantries and get this ovver wwith, yes?" The criminal suggested.

"Eriidan 2erket you stand before me accused of theft, troll trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, and attempted assassination of our emperor. What 2ay you in your defense?"

"Wwhale firstly: could you be oh so kind as to not butcher my name? and secondly: I plead not guilty, you have no concrete evidence against me...anymore" Eridan teased his eyes shining with a very familiar spark of mischief, Sollux let out a growl in response.

"What do you mean 2erket?" Sollux sheathes causing the pirate to let out a sickeningly sweet chuckle.

"Imagine this Pyrope: a room filled to the brim with evidence against me, evidence that ensures the vvery out come of this case; every last matchstick, vvideotape, blood soaked article of clothing and in about a few hours or so poof it's all gone such a tragic turn of evvents wwouldn't you agree?" Sollux could feel how pleased Eridan was with himself, it radiated off him in harsh waves. Sollux let out an frustrated growl at the others statement and slammed his hands down onto the interrogation table.

"One of these days, 2erket." Sollux muttered darkly.

"One of these days wwhat, you'll actually manage to wwalk me to the execution block? Ha! In your dreams Pyrope."  Eridans glee only elevated at the sight of the tealblood, who's face was flushed with anger.  Eridan grinned maniacally and leaned in, pressing his lips to Sollux's; and in that moment the others brain shut down for a moment as he relaxed into the kiss, then he pulled himself away abruptly; wiping his lips while the logical side of his brain panicked. Eridan to let out another cackle.

"Oh gog, if only you could see your face right noww!" Eridan managed between his fits of laughter. Sollux blushed and walked out the interrogation room leaving the criminal to his own devices, he woud be gone before sunrise; as usual. Sollux should have known that filthy pirate would pull a move like that it was a petty below the belt move that was becoming all to common when ever he was in interrogation. Eridan Serket  was the bane of Sollux's existence, he hated the other with every fabric of his being, he hated the fact the other was so smug about his ancestry as well.

 They were not their ancestors Sollux was not the Phiioniic Redglare and Eridan was not the Mindfang Dualscar, they didn't have to follow in their parents footsteps and continue their endless game of meow-beast and squeak-beast. Sollux wasn't going to lie to himself and say he had never thought of the possibility of them having a black relationship it was just Eridan flitted between black and red flirting whenever their paths crossed. One moment Eridan would have perfect view of Sollux's head in the cross-hair of his rifles' scope, another moment they would be slow dancing at some random highbloods party; with Eridan whispering sweet lies into his ear tempting him with promises he could never keep, promises of something Sollux couldn't have; something that Eridan was all too eager to give. Eridan's games were confusing and frustrating to deal with and if Sollux were to have is his way when it came to Eridans' conviction, Sollux would have him hanging from the gallows by now.

 With that thought in mind Sollux left the building and made his way to his hive, it was to early for this shit. Eridan would be cleared of all suspicion before the night was up no point in delaying the inevitable. Sollux unlocked the door of his hive and walked into the living room and collapsed onto the couch he was so tired he closed his eye and drifted off, he'd do his paperwork later 

a few hours later Sollux stirred awake, yet found himself in his own bed as apposed to the couch something weighed down on Solluxs chest an all too familiar sweet smell emitted from them, Eridan was here and he was in heat. The scent had filled the room causing Solluxs' brain to kick into overdrive while he gathered his surroundings. It all made since now, of course Eridan would let himself be apprehended by the authorities if he was nearing heat, he knew Sollux would take over the case; it was only to be expected that Eridan come to his hive after being released if his heat was so close.

Sollux let out a huff of annoyance and pulled the other in closer, breathing in the sweet smell that was distinctively Eridan mixed with the distinctive scent of arousal; an idea popped into Sollux's mind and he pressed his face into the others neck, nipping at the sensitive flesh causing the cerulean blood to wake with a gasp, upon realizing who it was Eridan let out a small moan and bared his neck to his lover; submitting completely to his Sollux. 

They could regret this after his heat was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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