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Eridan dabbed Sollux forehead with a cool wet rag, He couldn't believe Feferi would stoop so low as to attempt to drown Sollux. Now the poor thing was sick as a barkbeast and running a fever. Eridan had immediately taken charge of taking care of Sollux the moment he heard the news, he felt bad for not being there to prevent it and he felt even worst knowing that deep down this was all his fault, Eridan knew if he had just stayed with Sollux he could have kept the two from fighting. Eridan felt the burning sensation of tears well in his eyes and he instinctively closed them tightly, trying his best to keep the guilt and sorrow from overtaking his senses. Sollux opened his eyes squinting as he tryed to adjust to the light, he saw Eridan sitting next to him sadness prominent in his features, without a second of hesitation the yellow blood lifted his hand and cupped his flush crushes cheek wiping away the tears that had escaped. Eridan opened his eyes to see the former staring up at him with a look of concern plastered on his face. Eridan smiled and placed his own hand on Solluxs.

"Hey sol

"What'2 wrong Erii, why are you cryiing?" Sollux asked,Eridan let out a breath attempting to himself down before he began to speak.

"It's nofin Sol don't wworry 
a-boat me, howw're you feelin' do you need me to get you anyfin, some wwater?" Eridan suggested, standing up to retrieve a bottle of water from the meal block only to be stopped by Sollux who held him In place with his wrist in a death grip. Eridan attempted tug his hand away, but Sollux refused to let go.

"Erii plea2e tell me what'2 wrong" Sollux pleaded his ears lowering to enhance the puppy dog look. Eridan could never say no to that face so he sat back down on the edge of Solluxs bed.

"I wwas scared, Sol" Eridan stated his voice nearly inaudible, Sollux sat up and wrapped his arms around Eridan trembling form.

"What do you have two be 2cared about Erii?" Sollux questioned jokingly attempting to cheer up the violet blood. In that very moment the floodgates on Eridan emotions opened. The tears he had been trying so hard to hold back welled in his eyes, the overflow running down his cheeks.

"I wwas scared tha-that I wwas gonna lose you when you were barely breathin' and I-I thought y-you wwouldnt wwake up!" Eridan sobbed his tears staining Solluxs shirt.

"Your my best frond I nevver  wwanna lose you"

Sollux felt his heart ache at those words 'my best frond' nothing more despite how much he wanted it to be something more.

"I don't want two lo2e you eiither, Erii" Sollux whispered rubbing soothing circles on Eridans back and shooshing him gently as he let the other cry all the pain out.

Solluxs heart whispered a quiet declaration.

'I'm flushed for you'

(This is dedicated to SenpaiEridan )

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