Chapter 2

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Stiles' P.O.V.

I got up the next day and looked at my phone. Waking up at 6:30 is gonna kill me one day. I got dressed and looked at my schedule that I kept in my pants from the day before. I had Some easy subjects today besides music which  I have last period today and thank god for lacrosse tryouts, at least one thing to look forward to today. I found a clean shirt, at least it smelled fine, and went downstairs to grab an apple and leave.

I got to school a few seconds before the bell rang. I ran in before I would be late to class and ran into my math classroom just in time for attendance.

I sat through the day dreading music. The bell rang and I left the social studies room. I was taking my time getting to class.

Eventually I got to class and sat down in my favorite seat at the back of the classroom. Mr. Hale walked into the classroom looking as good as ever, his beard didn't look as precisely shaved as yesterday, which he for some reason could pull off.

He turned around to face the class and we made eye contact, his eyes still the same beautiful shade of caramel. Then without breaking the eye contact he told everyone to take out their homework.

And guess what, I didn't do it.

I might have accidentally turned it into an aeroplane and threw it in the recycling bin yesterday.

Everyone took out the piece of paper that he assigned for homework completed, or at least half-completed, while I on the other hand had nothing to show him.

He called each students name choking if they did their work. When he got to my name I raised my empty hands.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Why are you...I'm not aloud to call you an idiot but...why can't you just follow instructions Stiles? What part of do the homework do you not understand? The 'do' or the 'homework' part?", he said shaking his head, "Detention after school today Mr. Stilinski"

Shit, he couldn't keep me after school today, I have lacrosse tryouts.

"I'm sorry I can't today, I have lacrosse tryouts after school", I said trying to keep my voice strong, but in the end I had a voice crack.

"Sucks", he said while doing this annoying face.

He checked the rest of the class and went on with his lesson giving everyone their instrument and teaching us what the different parts are called.

Class was ending soon and I was staring down the clock. It's as if it ticked slower on purpose. You know how when you don't pay attention to something it's as if it's not there and then when you notice it you can't ignore it. Ya? Well that's what was happening to me. The tick of the clock filled my ears.

The bell went off and everyone filed out of the class. I waved to Malia and stayed seated. After a few minutes he looked at me and came to sit on the chair in front of me. He was facing me and was only and inch away from my face. He was looking around my face as if he was studying it. I could smell his deodorant which smelled of flowers I think. I might have also smelt traces of chicken.

I looked at his eyes and they seemed to glow an almost red for a second and then it vanished.

After another minute of silence he stood up and waved his hand, "You can go to your practice now, just make sure you do your fucking homework next time."

I grabbed my bag and raced to the locker room, no one was in there, but I changed and ran on the field. There I saw coach giving orders to be rest of the people trying out for the team.

"Shut up Greenberg"

Derek's P.O.V.

I sat down in front of him and looked at him. I was looking at his face appreciating every feature on his face, memorizing where all his little birthmarks were. Although I had to say this was a bit awkward and I would have yelled at myself if I was in his place but it's not like he could say anything to me cause I'm a teacher. We were just inches apart and I had to pull myself together not to kiss him right there and then. I got off the chair before I could do anything stupid and let him go. He needed to get to practice after all.

Hey guys hope you like the story so far and tell me what you think. Don't forget to like and share the story and I hope you guys are having an awesome day or night whoever you're reading this.

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