Chapter 5

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Hey look updates on back to back days. Sorry.

Stiles' P.O.V.

Okay well it's a new start to a new week. Monday. We all know the feeling. I walked into school and into my maths class. Not my favorite class but there are worse things. Like P.E.

I found a seat at the back of the class not wanting to get called on. I opened my notebook and started copying down the formulas. As soon as the teacher stopped talking she told us we'd be starting a group project.

I looked around the class not being able to find anyone I knew. Not that there were very many people I did know. Who am I kidding? I know one person, and its Malia.

Lucky for me she also told us she'd be choosing partners. So none of that bullshit where everyone has a group but me.

After a few minutes of giving us our groups she told us to go and sit with our partner. Lucky me I got to be with the hottest most fit guy in school and you know what that means? I look like shit in comparison. He's like what? I don't know, almost 7 feet tall. Me? Not even close. He was also on the school's lacrosse team.

The whole time we were sitting in our groups we needed to start planning our projects. Something about building a model of a monument?

I let him talk about what he wanted to do because it's not like I had anything to say about it. On the other hand I focused on his...well everything.

Suddenly our teacher came up to us.

"So Brett, Stiles, what have you come up with so far?", I looked at him nervously.

Obviously I wasn't listening. He saved me though thank god I didn't have to embarrass myself.

Anyway, when math was over I headed for second period. When I looked at my schedule I saw a free period. Hell yeah!!!

I spent my time trying to figure out a way to get out of after school music lessons with Mr.Hale. As hot as he is I don't want to have to tell coach I have to skip practice for music lessons.

I guess I could pull a fire alarm, or better go to he nurse and go home?

I went to the library to see if I could take a quick nap. I've been in there once before and the couches look pretty comfy to me.

I found a light green couch facing the window and lied down. It was peaceful until someone interrupted me.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I was about to tell them off but decided not too when I saw that the person was Brett and if I did tell him off he could probably beat you up.

I moved to one side of the couch to let him sit on the other half.

"Hey Stiles, since we're both working in the project for math, do you want to umm...come over to my house to work on it?"

I was surprised, but a good surprised. Maybe Brett liked me? Probably not but hey I'll find out eventually.

"Sure, when are you okay with me coming over?", I asked.

"Does today work for you?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, music lessons after school"

"How about Wednesday after lacrosse practice I can drive us over to my house"

"Sounds great"

"K, I'll see ya then"

He patted my shoulder and walked away to join his friends.


I put my hands in my jeans pockets and found something in there. I pulled out a napkin and unfolded it to see someone's number. I just remembered about that guy at the pizza place. I quickly entered his number and sent a quick 'hey'.

The bell rang signaling it was time to head to 3rd period.

~time skip to after school~

I walked out of history class taking my sweet time. Not that there was much time to take, the music classroom was right across from history.

I opened the door and the classroom was empty. There were chairs everywhere. I think there might have been one on the shelf?

I sat down and picked out the saxophone with the least beat up case. Not much to choose from considering these instruments are probably older than my dad.

I found my reed and skewed it one with that little metal thing on to the mouthpiece. There were a few boxes, each one had an instrument written on a sticker right underneath it. I found the one that said alto sax and picked out the book I needed. When k came back to my spot I found Mr.Hale at his desk.

When the fuck did he get here?

"Okay so today I will be teaching you how to play a few notes. The saxophone is one of the easiest band instruments so this should be pretty simple. You can already reed sheet music so the later steps should be easier."

He got up and showed me the picture on the page, indicating where all my fingers are supposed to be...

~time skip to end of lesson~

After two hours of his bullshit I got to leave, although I had to say I learnt how to play a G Major scale. Mr.Hale said if I try in class I won't have to stay after school anymore so I said I would.

And guess what I totally did not embarrass myself infront of him.

Thanks for reading this chapter, I don't know if anyone actually reads the authors noted but whatever. I'm sorry for the awkwardness in this chapter. I hope you guys have a good day or night when we you're reading his.

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