Chapter 3

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Stiles' P.O.V.

For the last week nothing happened. Sure some parties and stuff like that but that's not my thing.

I left the house and got my earbuds out. I put them in and put my phone on shuffle. All Tine Low lyrics flowed through the earbuds. Every guitar chord and drum beat made me want to dance and sing, although I knew that if I did I would most likely get weird looks from the public.

I strolled into the school walking to my locker almost slipping twice after deciding to ignore the 'wet floor' sign.

I put in the combination and opened my locker.

Suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned around fearing who the person might be.

There was a boy a year older than me standing in front of me trying to say something. I think I might have saw him at tryouts last week. I snapped back from my thoughts and I realized I could hear a thing he was saying. Seriously sometimes I have to learn not to put my music on so loud.

I took out the left earbud.

"Yo Stiles, they posted up the list of people who made the team at the notice board"

Awesome that's great now all I had to do was make sure my name was on that sheet of paper. Seems easy, right?

I thanked him and closed my locker before running to see the notice board. There was a crowd of boys standing there, shoving each other to try and get a better look at the piece of paper.

I tried to see the paper from every angle but the tall guys made it really hard you know? Sometimes I wish I was just a bit taller.

Anyway, after a few minutes I managed to squeeze myself between a few of the guys. The purple piece of paper had multiple names of it as I got to the bottom of the list I didn't see my name on it. I scanned through the list again but still couldn't see my name. The bell rang and the crowd diminished. I was about to turn around and leave until I saw a little piece of green paper right beside the first list that said.

Second line:


I guess I really did make the team. Maybe not the first line but the second. It's a start.

Oh who am I kidding, seriously why the fuck couldn't I be on the first line?

Derek's P.O.V.

"Toady we will be going on a field trip", I said to my class.

I heard cheers from some people but others just looked like they would literally do anything rather than go onto is field trip. Seriously these kids can be so ungrateful sometimes.

The class left the music room and they lined up at the entrance of the school bus.

"Find a partner and sit with them", I said before the kids started to run frantically trying to get to their friends.

After what seemed like hours the class finally got seated. I did the roll before leaving and made sure who was everyone's partner.

I spotted Stiles sitting at the back with that Malia girl. She was practically drooling over him. I had to separate them and quick. He was my little bean. Not her's. Just don't tell anyone I ever said that.

"Malia",I called out,"Can you please sit at the front I need you to keep an eye on Greenberg"

I just hope it works. Not that it shouldn't cause I'm the teacher and she has to listen to me know.

She went to the front and I got the seat next to Stiles.

I mentally high-fived myself for thinking of this and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

Stiles' P.O.V.

Malia left the seat to go sit at the front and Mr. Hale came to sit beside me. Man this guys seriously doesn't trust me. The nerve.

I tried to ignore his presence but I couldn't. His dorky glasses kept falling down his nose and he kept fixing them, which involved flexing his arm which I have to say I didn't mind at all.

In about half an hour we got to the place. Everyone got off the bus to check out the place. It seemed to be a recording studio of some sort of a music shop, or even both. Honestly I couldn't tell.

I walked in behind everyone else.

Mr. Hale introduced the man but I ignored him and just looked around the 'shop'.

These guitars were amazing and not just acoustics either. There were electric, bass, and others I didn't know the name of, like the ones that look like a keyboard but are a guitar ya,those ones. Some other instruments lined the walls too such as ukuleles, keyboards and rows and rows of pianos lined the floor.

The man gave us a tour of the place and I don't think anyone really listened to what he was saying. Most of us were just looking at the beautiful instruments.

At the end of the tour the man stopped and asked if anyone could play the guitar. I raised up my hand and a think a few other boys and a girl did too.

"You", he said, pointing at me, "Why don't you play us something"

I looked at home with a face that said please don't make me do this but he pulled me up to he guitar that was in front of everyone. I picked it up and placed it on my knee. The familiar feeling was nice and I strummed the guitar a few times before starting to play the chords for Green Day's, Jesus of Suburbia. It started of a bit soft but I started to get louder and louder. Until I got to the second verse and I heard a base line backing me up. I looked to see who it was and I saw Mr. Hale on the bass. I didn't know he could play.

I wasn't sure whether he figured out the bass line or just knew the song but either way it sounded awesome.

Derek's P.O.V.

Damn, he was good with the guitar. His hands played the chords and played the separate notes as if he was a professional. Better yet he was playing one of my favorite songs too. I found a bass and an amp and waited for the best verse. We started to play and I had to say it sounded awesomazing, although it's not even a word.

His hands moving at the speed of light. I wonder what else he could do with those hands.

Stop it Derek! I mentally slapped myself and shook my head.

Anyways, he was definitely passing my class.

Thanks for reading again hope you guys are enjoying the story anyways hope you guys have a good day or night whenever you're reading this and I'll see you guys at the end of the next chapter.

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