Chapter 11

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I'm at school early today so I hope I can publish this the same day I started
Q:Favorite book(can be Wattpad if you want)?
Ma:We were liars

Let's get to the book.

Stiles' P.O.V.

My head was throbbing as I lifted my body up. There seemed to be a bandage around my head. I put my finger up to it and it turns out I was right.

I grunted as I sat up, but not in my bed. The overly clean smell and bright lights hinted towards me being in a hospital. I could see an IV (if you don't know what it is it's one of those bags with a tube stuck into your arm) attached to my arm, but instead of the usual water in the bag it was blood.

I could feel a sharp pain in my side and when I lifted the tip of the hospital robe I could see a huge wound.

This is when last night's events hit me. Was it even last night?

I was shot if I remember correctly. And then as I fell to the ground Derek's face morphed into a monstrous visage.

As I was distracted by the shot a nurse came in.

"Oh no, no, no young man you'll be lying down for the time being. Lie your ass down now", she said.

She checked on the bag that was hanging and left without saying another word.

When the door shut I closed my eyes.
That couldn't have been Derek's real face. When I was bleeding out I must have imagined it.

The door opened, and thinking it was the nurse I kept my eyes closed.

"Hey Stiles my dude how's it going?", asked Scott.

I gave him that look that said: look at me, do I look okay?

He laughed and sat in the seat beside me.

"Okay maybe not physically but how's the mental state? Do you remember what happened?"

I was debating whether I should tell Scott about the Derek's face thing. I decided not too, maybe it was just me being me and over thinking things in bad situations.

I just stayed quiet.

"I'll leave you here to rest, you should stay here for a while", said while opening to exit.

I thought it was a nice time for a snarky remark so I just had to say, "It's not like I have a choice."

He just shook his head and I think I he mumbled something about me being and sarcastic twat.

I put my head on the pillow and started looking at the drip-drop of the water in the IV. It was a rhythmical drop, and I could count about 4 seconds in between each splash.

I'm not sure but I guess I kinda fell asleep after watching the the IV. I woke with a start after someone was shaking my leg.

It was Derek. I wasn't sure what to do. Do I tell him about the face thing or not? Maybe I should tell him. What could it hurt to get it off my chest and to him it wouldn't be a problem cause he's what like my boyfriend now? Wow we should have a conversation about that.

"So what are we Derek?", I said out of nowhere.

I'm assuming it  kinda surprised him cause he flinched after I asked.


"Well you know like are we dating or is that illegal cause you're my teacher?"

"Well I'm not sure about illegal but we have a legal age difference so I think we're fine", he said with a smile and a small chuckle.

"Okay then awesome"

A deep blush was set in my cheeks I really hope he didn't notice though.

"Right so I came here to ask you about something", he asked quickly.

This was very not Derek.

"Okay? What is it?"

"Well you know when you got shot did you by any chance see"

"I was actually going to talk to you about this"

"Shit, okay well I knew I would have to tell you eventually but I didn't think it would be now"

Tell me what? What could he be so afraid of.

"Okay well I'm a werewolf right, and so is Scott and Isaac and all the others except for Malia, she's a werecoyote"

My brain went blank for a second there. Was he serious? A werewolf?

"Are you sure you weren't the one who lost a shit tone of blood? Like I saw you ripping someone to pieces but I didn't think I was real"

"K I'm sorry but I gotta go"

He quickly ran out before I could say anything.

If he was really a were wolf then what's so bad about it, what could be so bad?

And Scott and the other are also werewolves?

I decided to consult my secret tumblr that I have and see what my followers would do.

I reached into my pocket and felt for my phone. I hope they didn't take it. I looked around and I found it on the bedside table. I reached it and typed in:


So what would you guys do if you found it you guys had a friend that was a werewolf?

As soon as I posted the question I got a ton of replies. I started reading through them.

@seeeeeeejjjjjjjj: you should asked them to turn you into a werewolf :D

@cupcakev: Ask them to show you their glowing eyes(lol tøp reference)

@giveemtheD: Dude that would be the coolest thing ever just go with it

There were only positive responses. I guess it's not that bad, after all he did save my life. A bit after I got shot but it could have been worse.

I really need to talk to him!

I know I'm a horrible person for never updating but now that I finished school I'll be able to update multiple times so there will probably be multiple updates and the story is also almost done. Hope you guys have a good day or night whenever you're reading this.

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