Chapter 6

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Stiles P.O.V.

Right it's Wednesday. The day I was planning the biggest prank anyone at this school had ever seen.

It was great. Malia and I would spray paint all the white boards with blue spray paint. Genius or what?

As boring as it sounds it still gives me the chills thinking about what would happen if we got in trouble.

We got there early in the morning before anyone else could and Malia picked the lock on one of the classroom windows. We quickly got in and started with that classroom.

In about an hour almost all the boards were blue. I could hear other students in the halls starting to come to school.

We quickly threw out the cans at the track bin at the back of the school.

As we got to class the news spread around the school about the blue boards. Every teacher started checking the students for proof it was them.

Every class was clear and no one was found. My class was the last class to report.

My history teacher walked along the lines of students checking everyone's hands and when he got to me he grabbed me by the ear and led me out of the classroom. I look behind me to see Malia waving to me, of course she wasn't caught she was supposed to be checked after me.

As my teacher led me to the office to get me most likely suspended I saw Mr.Hale and gave him a look, begging him to help me out.

I think Mr.Hale got the idea and helped me out. He somehow convinced Mr.Burlig to let me go with him and do a "punishment" instead of suspending me.

We walked to get her for what seemed like forever until we reached a part of the school that anyone rarely goes to. It's mostly storage space and extra chairs for when we have assemblies in the gymnasium.

We walked to one closet in particular. Calling in a mess would be an understatement. Papers were strewn everywhere and folders were hanging from the ceiling? I think I saw one up there.

The rest of this period was spent organizing the papers and folders. I heard the bell ring and as I was about to leave Mr.Hale grabbed my sleeve.

"Where do you think you're going?", he asked.

"Break", I said with a duh look on my face.

He shook his head.

I couldn't exactly argue with him, he did save me from having to go to the office.

I could hear he hallways fill with people with an occasional person coming through this hallway.

The last thing we needed to put away was the heaviest box which required us both to pick it up. As we put it on the shelf I heard the door close.

I returned around to see a shocked Mr.Hale.

I guess he wasn't the one who closed the door.

(Lol panic! at the disco reference, sorry)

He shook he handle so much you'd think he would break it. We both starters banging on the door, but we were in the most remote hallway in the whole school. Chances are no one will hear us.

Brett's P.O.V.

I was walking around trying to find Stiles to remind him about me picking him up after school. I couiner find him anywhere. I looked around the whole school until I heard my friends from the lacrosse team laughing.

"Hey guys, what's going on? What's so funny", I asked trying to understand what was so funny considering there was nobody anywhere in sight.

"You'll never guess who's in the closet?", said Mike.

"You put something in the closet?"

"Not something, my friend, someone"

"Well, who?"

"Stilinski, that idiot. Can't play lacrosse for shit even if it came to life and death", he said while they all exploded into laughter.

I started panicking, if they're stuck in the closet, eventually they might run out of breath, I'm not sure if that's how science works but I think I might have heard something like that.

The bell rang saving me the trouble of explaining why they should leave, and I quickly ran to the door.

Who's idea was it to lock the door from the outside?

I unlocked the door and the second I opened it Stiles fell out. I guess he was about to run into he door when I opened it.

Luckily I caught him before he fell. He stood up and thanked me really quickly. He was adorable when he was flustered.

Mr. Hale cleared his throat,"Shouldn't you two gentlemen be in class right now?", I grabbed Stiles' hand as a ran so that we could make it to class before the second bell rang for class.

Stiles' P.O.V.

Awesome the day was almost done. I got locked in a closet and came out, I really hope Brett didn't think of it that way. I'd be really embarrassed if he knew to be honest. (A/N not trying to offend anyone who may be gay, lesbian, bi, or pan, and any other sexuality you may identify as)

I was changing after practice and I usually like to hurry up and today wasn't an exception. I know that it was a few guys on the lacrosse team that locked me up with Mr. Hale, and I didn't exactly want to see them.

I got my bag and as I was about to leave when I tripped and fell. Thank god I was the only person in that row of lockers.

I got up and ran out to meet Brett at his car.

He was standing right next to his car and let me tell you he looked hot. I know I say that about everyone but it's not my fault I go to a school where everyone looks like a god, but me. Even the teachers (Mr. Hale).

He noticed me coming and got in his car. I dropped my bag in the back seat and climbed into the front.

As he turned the keys he looked at me and asked, "You ready?"

Guys thanks for reading and I'm sorry I couldn't update so long I really try but since I'm skipping a grade next year I'm trying to get some extra material done so I don't look like a complete idiot. Anyway I'll try and update the next chapter as early as possible and I hope you guys have a good day or night whenever you're reading this.

Teacher's Pet (Derek X Stiles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora