Chapter 8

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Yay more chapters cause I keep waking up at 5 in the morning. Picture of Tyler who is a little adorable bean.
Q: Who is your fav musical artist?
My answer: panic! At the disco, and Pierce The Veil

Anyway let's get to the book.

Stiles' P.O.V.

Let me tell you I don't remember how I woke up. All I know is I was trying to hit snooze on my alarm and then I fell on the floor. Everything after that was a blur up until walking into the school building. I headed to history, to avoid the huge rush of people when the bell rings.

As I made my way I spotted Brett and quickly made myself even shorter than I already was.

Luckily I got my ass to history class before anything awkward could happen.

I walked in to an almost empty classroom besides Scott, who I didn't even know was in this class.

I sat down beside him before he could notice. You should've seen his face when he turned around and saw me. Man I need to give this kid a break cause he is seriously fragile.

After he got over his shock he turned away for a second as if he was mad at me.

"Awwwww come on, Scotty boy don't be mad at me"

He turned around with a "serious" look on his face and I could see he was trying not to laugh.

"Listen up", the teacher yelled.

~time skip~

Finally class finished and Scott and I headed to the only tree that provided shade at our school. We sat down and I took out my lunch.

When we both finished we sat in an awkward silence until Scott blurred something out. I couldn't even understand what he said.

"So what's up with Mr. Hale. Are you guys know..."

"I wish man. How did you find out about it anyway?"

"I kinda saw you checking him out", he said while looking down.

"Lol. The dudes hot, but he's a teacher. I don't think that's even legal, considering we're students"

He looked around before looking at me with an excited look on his face.

"What if I told you he's not actually old enough to be a teacher?"

The news gave me some much shock I might as well have been picking an outlet with a fork.

"But why does he have a ring?", I asked.

"Well, I'm sure you've seen all the girls ogling at him in class. You could practically see the drool"

"Hey, I don't blame them", I answered," he's pretty hot"

"What if I told you I can get him to make out with you?"

"What? How exactly will you do that?"

"I have a way"

I was about to ask him how he hell do it but the bell rang for the next class.

~another time skip(sorry)~

It was after practice and I went home to take a shower. I was not staying in the locker room for any longer. For all I know I'll get stuffed into a locker.

Scott texted me to meet him, and gave me an address. I don't know how I lucked out but dad was working extra late today which means I kinda didn't have an excuse not to go.

I took the jeep and headed to the address. I have to admit I did get lost a few times but that wasn't my fault. It was the map.

As soon as I actually got to the place I was met outside by a smiling Scott. But no, it wasn't one of those innocent Scott smiles, it was like I-have-a-plan-that-will-fucking-work smirk.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me up he stairs.

After climbing a shit ton of stairs we finally made it. It was a beat up place looking from the outside but as soon as Scott opened the door it was actually a really nice place.

I came in right behind Scott hoping that it wouldn't be as scary as I thought it would be.

I noticed a few people sitting at a couch.

I could see Malia, Brett, Mr. Hale, and 2 guys I have never seen before.

They were so cute. Why did they have to be his way. I'm gonna die from the amount of hot guys in this town.

I was introduced to them.

Apparently their names are Theo Ra...something, and Isaac Lahey, I'm pretty sure.

We sat down in a circle.

"So why exactly am I here", I asked.

Everyone looked at me and then at Scott as if he was supposed to tell me what was gonna happen in advance.

He just had a look of guilt on his face.

Isaac started explaining.

This was apparently their friend group and they were all friends. The only thing is how is Mr. Hale part of this?

Isaac, most likely seeing the confusion on my face explained that Mr. Hale who was apparently Derek was actually a friend before he even applied to work at the school.

Now that I think about it I think I saw Isaac playing for the lacrosse team. How do you not notice something like that.

"But how did you guys like meet?", I asked still a bit confused.

"We're all werewolves", started Theo but got interrupted by Derek telling him to shut up.

I decided to let the subject go. I guess they just didn't want people knowing.
How weird could it be?

Malia who I actually haven't seen in a while suddenly sat up as if she got stung by a bee.

"I have an idea guys"

Everyone looked at her waiting to be unpleasantly surprised.

"How about...we play truth or dare?

Well that's he end of the chapter and sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger. If you guys have any suggestions like ships or characters please go ahead and comment. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and I'll try to publish the next update as soon as possible. I hope you guys had a good day and I hope you keep having a good day or night whenever you're reading this.

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