Chapter 4

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Stiles' P.O.V.

So it's finally the weekend. And I know it's the weekend every week, but it just felt especially long this week, with lacrosse practice after school where I don't even play in games. WTF?

Anyway my dad's taken me out to eat. Guess what pizza. Yay!

When we got there we got our seat at one of those two table seat with a few of those tables near us.

The music in the restaurant wasn't too bad I've heard worse. At least it's not some pop song that you listen to every waking moment. And I'm not saying I don't like pop music, cause some of it is actually kinda catchy but you know some times it gets annoying.

I was too distracted and suddenly my dad is waving his hand in front of my face. His face was giving me he look but everyone has their moments where they space out just some people have them more than others.

I quickly looked over the menu. The selection of pizzas was unbelievable. Notice the sarcasm?

I gave the waiter the menu back,"I'll have whatever he's having", I said pointing at my dad.

The waiter smiled and nodded. He seemed like a nice guy, it just wasn't a good day for me.

He left and I followed him with my eyes. The kitchen was right beside the entrance. Not a bad idea having the cold air come in when the kitchens really hot.

My eyes landed on the entrance and I had to say it was a really nice color green.

"Stiles. Stiles?"

My dad was trying to get my attention again. Man I gotta focus, this was supposed to be a father-son thing, I think.

"Ya, sorry dad, what were you saying?", I asked.

"I was saying, you look really tired, is everything okay?", he said with a worried lol on his face.

"Ya, I'm fine thanks"

I looked around. The diner was practically empty besides us and a few college kids, sitting on the other side of the room.

The waiter walked up to us with the pizza we ordered. I have to say they looked a lot better then they sounded.

Just as we got our pizza two dudes walked in.

One of them I have never seen before but the other one was way too familiar...


"Pardon?", my dad asked.

Before I could respond Mr. Hale came up to our table and introduced himself.

They had a short conversation ending with 'your son is doing great in my class and I hope he puts just as much effort until the end of the year', which is was hoping for.


Instead it went more like this: Stiles can read notes well but he may need some tutoring when it came to band instruments.

I rolled my eyes. I tried focusing on the other man standing with Mr. Hale.

He was tall with broad shoulders and silvery blue eyes. He was hot but probably too old for me. He looked like he could be Mr. Hales' older brother.

"Stiles, next week you will be having an after school study session with Mr. Hale", my dad said.

I was so "thrilled" (not) I dropped my pizza slice on my jeans. I'll embarrass myself in front of him. I'm supposed to make a good impression.

Thank god that Mr. Hale wasn't there to see that.

I quickly asked the waiter together tissue and he came back with 2. I took one of them and cleaned my jeans. I was about to wonder what the second one was for until I saw a number quickly scribbled on the tissue.


I picked it up and stuffed it into my hoodie pocket.

Derek's P.O.V.

"So this is the kid you've been babbling about for the past week?", asked Peter accusingly while pointing his thumb at Stiles.

I told him to shush it but he wouldn't. He could've at least been less obvious about it, with the pointing.

"Shush, you're making it too obvious", I said while putting his hand down.

"Could've at least chosen someone who can run more then just the length of the stairs"

I rolled my eyes and looked at he menu.

Nothing really interested me much so I pointed at something random on the page.

Peter on the other hand started flirting with the waitress. Usual Peter.

At least I got an almost date.

Sorry for he short chapter and not updating for the last seven years but I'm back and I'm on school break for a bit so I'll be trying to update more often. Hope you guys have a good day or night whenever you're reading this

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