Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for the author's note right at the beginning of the chapter but I think I'll start this question thing. Every update is a new question so...
Q:Who is your fav TW character?(I know it's not the best question but they will get better)
My Answer:I can't decide but it would have to be between Isaac, Brett, and Lydia.

Stiles' P.O.V.

We were in Brett's car and let me tell you the breeze felt amazing especially after practice. We were driving down a road that looked familiar and I realized it was the one perpendicular to my street. We stopped at a house that looked almost like mine. Most houses around this area look the same on he outside and generally have the same inside. It sometimes mirrored or reversed to be on the left or right.

We got out of the car and he led me to his door. I don't know why but I had butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't stop them either. He unlocked his door and I took of my shoes while looking around.

I was a really neat place, a lot neater then mine and my dad's place. I could see ponying that looked really well done but the signature at the bottom looked like child's hand writing.

"Did you paint those when you were younger?", I asked while pointing at the closest one.

"Ha, I wish. If I were this good at art I'd try and make a living out of it instead of going to high school. Nah, they're my sister's"

"Well...they're really good", I said almost stuttering. Why did I have to be so awkward?

"Thanks, I'll tell my sister. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it"

We walked on. We reached the stairs and he went up first so that I didn't get lost. We turned down the hall and we reached a door which must have been Brett's room.

He opened the door and signaled for me to get in, "Ladies first".

"Hey", I said while lightly punching his shoulder.

He giggled. I didn't know I guy this size could giggle.

He to led me to choose any seat so, I just grabbed a bean bag which was lying around and pulled it up to the bed where he sat.

I was reaching into my bag to get my book but then he asked,"What are you doing?"

"Uuumm, getting my book so we can start working on the project", I said in a really matter-of- factly way.

He sat down beside me and leaned in to the point where I could almost feel his lips touch my ear as he whispered, "Is that really why you think I brought you here?"

I looked at him surprised and I was about to leave until he grabbed my waist and pinned me to the bed. I started to struggle although I knew I would never win. I suddenly felt his lips on mine. They tasted like well roses. Don't ask,I didn't eat rosses or anything.

"What's wrong he asked", he had a hurt look on his face that made me regret every decision I have ever made.

"Im sorry Brett it's not you it's just I'm not ready. I'm just not feeling it today. I'm sorry. Don't be mad please"

"Why would I be mad? It's perfectly understandable that you're not ready, but as soon as you think you are hit me up if you're still interested"

He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it.

We thought it would be best for me to just walk home after the awkward moment.

~time skip to next day after school~

We are supposed to have a lacrosse game tonight but the weather just had to ruin it. We can't exactly play in the rain unless we want to slip to our deaths.

I made my way home. I opened my bag to find no homework, that's weird , but I'm not complaining. I guess I have a free day today.

I remembered the number I got from the guy at the pizza place, and dialed it.

After three rings he picked up. He said to meet him after his shift at the pizza place in about half an hour.

I almost got lost on the way there from all the rain but in the end I did get there pretty dry, besides maybe my hair.

I heard the bell jingle as I opened the door, and the warm air hit me right in the face. The smell of pizza wasn't bad if it weren't the smell of burnt pizza.

I sat down at the corner table waiting for him. Now that I think about it I don't know his name. Man I feel like a jerk.

The guy walks up to me and waves. He looks so shy it's adorable.

Scott's P.O.V.

I sat down with Stiles. He was a really cool guy but I don't think he even knew who I was. I wasn't exactly the most showy person in high school so I can't blame anyone but myself.

I stretched out my hand and introduced myself.

~time skip (I'm sorry I'm not the best at writing conversations between people)~

Stiles' P.O.V.

I was in the middle of a discussion with Scott when my phone just had to ring.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go. My dad needs me and tomorrow's a school day so I gotta get my sleep", I said sarcastically.

That got me a laugh.

"I'll see ya tommorow", I said and went to my beloved Jeep.

I pulled out and headed straight home. My dad must have been pissed if he called me.

Thanks for reading. I know this wasn't the most exciting chapter but I like to add some filler chapters so the story isn't moving too fast. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day or night whenever you're reading this.

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