Yuri Plisetsky X Reader (sore)

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Y/n's pov

Yuri and I were having a lazy day, just laying around, nothing much. Yuri had been practicing all day every day and he's really sore and he doesn't want to get up, so being the amazing girlfriend I am I got him whatever he wanted, when he wanted. I knew that he worked hard to get his title as the 'Ice Tiger of Russia' and 'Russian Punk' and he trains hard for that title and only for a 15 year old it's impressive so I do as he asks with no complaining.

"hey babe, can you grab me a Monster?" I was laying half on top of him on the couch as we were cuddled up close to each other, he was playing with my hair as I outlined his toned abs as my head rested on his chest.

" Monsters aren't good for you, they give you bags under your eyes after a while and make you look bad during competitions." I prop myself up on my arm and look Yuri in the eyes. he groans a little bit but then gives me a sweet smirk then pecked my nose.

"Mkay, can you get me a water then." I kissed his jawline and cheek then gave him a sweet smile.

"yeah, give me a minute, i'll be back." I got up from the couch and I realized that I was cold without being pressed against Yuri. I was in the kitchen getting Yuri his water and making myself tea. I was pouring the hot water into the tiger mug as I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder. I giggled softly because I knew who it was.

"Yuri....your not supposed to be up, you need to be resting cause I don't want you to be even more sore tomorrow during practice." I set the kettle down and turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck loosely as I leaned against the counter.

"I don't care, I want to be pressed against you for as long as I can." he whispered seductively in my ear as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I knew what he was getting at and I couldn't deny him today since it was 'his' day today.

"Is that what you really want" I whispered back to him

"soon enough you'll be the sore one in this house, not me." he picked me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we made our way to the bedroom. I knew what was next, and i couldn't deny that i wanted it just as much as him.

Sorry it's so short, I know it was bad but fuck it. I give up

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