Yuuri x reader (You and I)

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I figured it out
I figured it out from black and white
Seconds and hours
Maybe they had to take some time

Y/n's pov

Yuuri and I had just broken up. I had to end it with him before things got out of hand. I knew that he was cheating on me....but I couldn't say that I knew to his face.

The conversation about the break up

"Yuuri...I think we should break up..."

"What! What did I do wrong" He knew exactly what he did wrong.

"I just think its for the best of us..." I walked away from him...hopefully to try and make someone else feel happy...apparently I couldn't do that for Yuuri.


I know how it goes
I know how it goes from wrong and right
Silence and sound
Did they ever hold each other tight
Like us? Did they ever fight
Like us?

But now I found someone that makes me just as happy as Yuuri made me, but the difference now was that i actually made him happy as well.

I was out at an outdoor cafe with my new boyfriend of 8 months. I knew he loved me and we told each other everything, even about how some things annoy each other and i couldn't ask for anything else. I knew i was suppose-meant to be with him... I always thought it would be Yuuri thought, bet I guess plans change.

You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between
You and I

Yuuri's pov

Ever since Y/n broke up with me I've been so depressed. I don't even eat pork cutlet bowls anymore. I barely leave the house. I only go ice skating once every few weeks. I quit competitions because i didn't have my main support anymore....Y/n. I knew when I asked what i did wrong was that I cheated. I guess she found out too. I started going out with the other girl but it didn't even last a week. She just wasn't Y/n.... no one was... And I knew i couldn't find someone as good as her....ever. I don't even know why i cheated on her, it was the worst thing I've ever done and I regret everything.

Not even the Gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between
You and I

I was walking through the streets, keeping my head down. I didn't want people to notice me. Everybody knew i dropped out from competitions but they never found out why because I didn't tell anybody, not Viktor, My parents, my friends..no one. I regret hurting Y/n so much. I went to a nearby coffee shop.

   I figured it out
Saw the mistakes of up and down
Meet in the middle

There's always room for common ground

When I walked in the doors and spotted her. Y/n. I wanted to run up to her, grab her, hold her, hug her, kiss her, and call her mine. It looked like she was crying a little bit, but tried to hide it and stay strong...that's how she always was, trying to be strong and act like nothing is wrong when really, she was breaking down. I tried to convince myself to go up to her ad ask what was wrong, but all i did was go up to the counter and order a coffee. I waited for my drink, and I let my eyes wander. big mistake. Y/n saw me.

I see what it's like

I see what it's like for day and night
Never together
'Cause they see things in a different light
Like us, but they never tried
Like us

She gave me a sympathetic smile, I wanted to go up to her and embrace her in a hug but i knew she would never let me do that. I was standing near the counter waiting for my drink, until I felt a pair of arms around my torso. I looked over my shoulder to see Y/n hugging me. I immediately turned around to return the hug.

"Hey Yuuri" she laughed a bit, but i could hear the pain in her voice. I missed her laugh, but not this one.

"Whats wrong?" She let go of me slightly so that she could see my face.

"Let's go sit down, I want to tell you something."

You and I

We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between

"My boy friend just dumped me. He knew that I wasn't over you. He was right, I'm not over you... I miss you so much that it hurts not to be around you. I miss having you wake up next to me and going to your competitions or practices or just seeing you every day, but I can't bring myself to come back to you. I couldn't after what you did to me....to us"

"Y/n...It was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life, and I've made a lot." She giggled at my words. I wanted to make her smile like that again. "I want you back. I don't want to see you with another guy. I only want to see you with me. I know I have hurt you badly, but looking back on it...It hurt me just as much because I lost a perfect girl that I had in my arms, but I wasn't paying attention and next thing I know my arms were cold and she was out of reach."

You and I
Not even the Gods above
Can separate the two of us

"Yuuri...I want you more than anything. I'm not happy without you and I can tell you're not happy either-"

"I'm miserable without you."

"I'm just not sure that i can trust you with my heart...again."

"Y/n I swear to god that I will never break your heart again."

Cause you and I

We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between
You and I

Y/n was looking me in the eyes like she wanted me in her life again, and I definitely wanted her in my life again.

Oh, you and I

"Love me like it was just you and I in the world." I whispered to her.

Oh, you and I

"That's how I was loving you before."

We can make it if we try

You and I

Oh, you and I

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