Yurio x reader (better than practice)

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(Let's pretend Yurio is 16 and is legally allowed to drive cause he got his license)

Yurio's pov

I was at practice at the rink even though I would much rather be with Y/n. She was the only one who could cheer me up besides Otabek, but he was just my friend. I was texting Y/n instead of practicing cause she was more important.

Y/n: hey Babe, what are you doing.
Yurio: I'm supposed to be skating but I'm texting you.
Y/n: you sound like I'm getting in the way of your practice. I'll go if you don't want to talk.
Yurio: you know that's not what I meant. I meant that I would rather text you then practice.
Y/n: I don't want your skating career to suffer because of me.
Yurio: as long as I'm with you I will always have the will to skate my best.
Y/n: Aw, I love you.
Yurio: I love you too baby, I gtg, Yakov is yelling at me but I'll talk to you later.
Y/n: okay. I wish you were here with me tho.
Yurio:I know. I wish you didn't live to far away.

Y/n lived a couple hours away but she still lived in Russia. She lives alone because her career can support her. She's a world famous archer, so I try not to get on her bad side. But she lives where she has to live because her coach lives there.

"YURIO!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND START PRACTICING!!!!" Yakov yelled at me, as usual.

"I'M DONE OLD MAN! I'M GOING TO BE GONE FOR THE NEXT WEEK!" I grabbed my bag and took it to the locker room while displaying my middle fingerto Yakov. I locked the door to the locker room so he couldn't get in. I took my skates off, changed into comfy sweatpants and a hoodie but no shirt cause why the fuck not.  I went out the back entrance and went to my car. I drove straight to y/n's house. Since every time I was over there I left a lot of my things I didn't need to pack a bag.

------time skip------

I arrived at Y/n's house and rang her doorbell. She answered the door with this depressed look on her face and her eyes glued to the floor but once she looked up she had the brightest smile on her face that matched mine. She jumped into my arms, I loved that feeling of protecting her.

"Yuri!!! What are you doing here!?!?How did you get here!?!?!!? I thought you had to practice!!!! Did you get yelled at!?!?!? Your not supposed to be here!! but I'm not complaining I just mean-" I cut her off with a loving kiss that neither of us have felt for for to long.

"I came here to see you. I got tired of looking at everyone's ugly ass face."

"Well that's one way to call your girlfriend pretty." Y/n said sarcastically as she laughed. I love the way she laughed. It made me smile.

"You know I think your beautiful" I kissed the bridge of her nose and smiled at her, then attacked her with a ton of butterfly kisses. She held onto my biceps and laughed as I backed her up until i was on top of her on the couch. I stopped and took a good look at her, she was trying to catch her breath and slowly stopped laughing but still smiling. We were looking into each others eyes and were about to have a make out session unTIL MY GOD DAMN PHONE DECIDED TO RING AND RUIN THE MOMENT!!!!

I sat up angrily and answered the phone.


"Wow Yurio, I must've interrupted something really special." Viktor's voice was on the other side of the phone. I let out a sigh as Y/n clung to my arm and looked up at me with a smirk on her face because she heard what Viktor had said.

"Yes Viktor, you interrupted someONE VERY IMPORTANT" Y/n laughed and kissed my cheek. i leaned against the back of the couch and laid my head all the way back.

"I just wanted talk to Y/n since she wasn't answering her phone and I really need to ask her something." Y/n could hear the entire conversation since her head was pressed against my shoulder and the phone was near her. She sat up and put her hand in front of me, telling me to give her the phone. Y/n had the phone against her ear and and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want Viktor?" She sounded irritated and it made me laugh.

"I need your help with honeymoon, where should it be? I really want to surprise Yuuri with it so it has to be perfect." Y/n jumped up and ran to her room.

"OH MY GOD VIKTOR LET ME GET MY LAPTOP I HAVE THE PERFECT PLACE!!!!" Y/n had gone upstairs and she would probably be gone for a while.

After 15 minutes I decided to go upstairs to see what Y/n was actually doing. I saw her on her stomach, on the bed, with my phone in her hand and her laptop in front of her. I climbed up behind her and laid next to her but wrapped my arm around her. Half of my body was on her but she didn't seem to care or react in anyway. I wanted her to get of the phone so I started to kiss the back of her neck and move down her back. I could feel the shiver run down her spine on my lips.

"Y-yeah Viktor, my f-friend has a p-place there and they own r-rental beach houses. I-I can get you a p-place if you want" Y/n kept stuttering and I knew that she couldn't last much longer. I stopped and leaned up to her ear.

"I know you want me, put down the stupid phone or else you'll get punished" I made sure to have a deep, sexy voice. That sent a huge shiver down her spine. 

"Oh my god Y/n that wou-"

"H-hey Vik-ktor I'm gonna have to c-call you back later" Y/n hung up quickly, set the phone down next to her, shut her laptop and flipped over so that she would be facing me.  I now had my arm wrapped around her waist She gave me that look a mother would give there child when they did something wrong but they act all innocent. I just smirk at her and she rolled her eyes but also had a smirk on her lips. We both knew where this was heading.

"Y/n...you know that you want it and I know that I want it.. soo-" Y/n grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed her lips onto mine. In the process she flipped me onto my back to that she was straddling me.

"I had to get you to shut up one way or another."

"In a few minutes, you won't be able to shut up." Y/n got really close to my ear and had one hand on my chest so that she was holding me down.

"What if i want to take charge this time"

"I'm not gonna stop you" Y/n got off of me and walked,   while making her hips move, into her master bathroom.

A few minutes later Y/n came out with sexy black lace lingerie.  She had her hair out of a bun and it was down and wavy. She had heels on that could stab me at any minute and had handcuffs in her hands along with leather rope. I shifted where I was because it was turning me on. I had never seen her like this before.

"Strip." Was all she said. I looked at her a little bit confused.


"I said. Strip" She took a step towards me and started twirling the rope in the air in front of her. I got a little scared but I was more excited.  I took off my hoodie and pants, I was left in only my boxers that were getting tight in the front.      

"before you get in the shower you strip all your clothes right. Do you get in the shower with your boxers on. No. Strip. All. The. Way." She got even closer to me, still twirling the leather rope. I awkwardly took off my boxers and stood there....with everything exposed.  And I mean everything.

"good" Y/n dropped both the cuffs and the rope of the floor and walked towards me. She placed her hand on my chest and looked down. She laughed and started pushing me back until I was laying on the bed. I was against the head board at this point, my hands down to my sides and her hand on my chest. She got off of me and walked back to were the cuffs were. I started to sit up but she turned around.

"Don't. Move."  I moved back and didn't dare move.

Y/n  took my hands and cuffed it to the bed post above me.  She looked at me with half her hair covering her face and a smirk on her lips.

Let me just say that it was a pleasurable night.

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